
Unpopular opinion: worse things than the Holocaust have happened SINCE the Holocaust.

Good catch. Even by cop standards, Holtzclaw is a monumental asshole. Can you imagine trying to work with this guy? It’s not simply that he abused his power as a PO. It’s also—as this interview makes clear—that he has massive entitlement issues [1] and zero sense of responsibility, and takes genuine pleasure in

Pretty sure you are dead of alcohol poisoning in the season opener...

And he was on The Man Show, right?

And an episode of the Drew Carry Show

I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

Okay can we talk about xoJane lately?? The other day I read the one from the woman who says that she thinks straight men just become gynecologists to grope women and I just

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.

Fifty years together.

This is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read.

I really fucking hope so...I don’t know how I am going to prepare my stepdaughter when she starts developing...

I don’t know if this is Cointelpro type stuff or if Wade is just an asshole, but the fact that the girl is white makes me very suspicious the it’s the former. That detail just makes it a liiiitle too perfect.

I wish it didn’t take another man to scare them into respecting her. IT SHOULDN’T FUCKING BE THIS WAY!

Thank Dog you have to be 18 to get a store credit card. My pre-teen daughter would financially ruin me in that store.


Forever 21 hundred dollars in debt

God, tell me about it! I remember trying on bridesmaids dresses for a family wedding as a barely 20 year old and feeling SO inappropriate because of my breast size...I remember the comments from my own family about it...

People are always trying to police my tits. YOU CANT HOLD THESE TITS DOWN!

MAYYYBBEEE I’m just being bitchy today but this seems more like a humblebrag than an actual thing that happened.

The best part is that this was the gym’s Facebook cover pic in April: