I Do Not Approve

Now on that page:

A slim few of them are also just plain free to read for Amazon Prime subscribers (Sorry, Kinja Deals, you probably don’t get a percentage of zero).

A slim few of them are also just plain free to read for Amazon Prime subscribers (Sorry, Kinja Deals, you probably

My bad, it's Jim Sturgess, who promptly fell off the face of the Earth (Hollywood, anyway.) The point stands. It's not a good beginning.

I didn't think the Simon and Garfunkel Cinematic Universe wold take such a severe dip in quality so soon after Baby Driver.

In case you all forgot - "21" begins with a Jesse Eisenberg voiceover monologue (over slow motion falling money, cards, and chips, natch) all about the phrase "Winner, winner, chicken dinner", which is the stupidest and most pointless starting voiceover I have ever experienced.

He'll tell us what to do.

Quantity over quality, more like.

I skipped the review and immediately scrolled down, knowing some comedic genius would have beaten me to it by 2 hours.

It's on-the-nose apt that the movie's initials are also a degenerative brain disease, isn't it?

Hey Alex, "respectively" means "in that order I referenced previously". When you say "Woo and Bay", and then "The Rock and Face/Off, respectively", you're saying Michael Bay directed Face/Off, which is an interesting parallel reality to visit, but I don't wanna live there.

The IRS will get its blood at the end of the day (cf. Richard Hatch).

They do not, no game show does that I'm aware of. It would create more accounting headaches and legal liabilities than the production entity wants to deal with. Ryan gets a check for $31,500 in 90 days and the taxes are his problem.

Dude! Click me and see my first post today.

It is so long ago -1992, just a few months after Badmotorfinger's release. The heads of my college roommate and I nearly explode at the news that Soundgarden is going to PLAY OUR SCHOOL GYM. This is the roommate who introduced me to them by saying "This is what rain would sound like if it was made out of steel", which

I thought it was DC because of that initials parallel. Clearly I never read it, just thought "huh, that's an idea that could go places."

I'd lay decent odds they will show up on Hulu.

You forget the one with the Atlanteans who celebrate Sinking Day, which was the only other "approaching maybe almost better than not very good" episode.

I've always assumed that this WAS Damage Control, focus-grouped and network-noted into pure mediocrity.