Mine was this - a touching love story between hats:
Mine was this - a touching love story between hats:
I always choose mezzo-soprano when I'm rolling up a new character - Immunity to Disease and extended Lifespan!
I'm a Sara-preferrer too (man, I hate it when somebody is all "Internet hipsters do it like this" and it describes me to a T), but there's no denying Speak Slow (and probably a jillion other Tegan jams if I bothered to check) is great.
I swear I can always tell, even without noticing the piercing.
It'll get there, especially when they browse its comment history. Flag it and move on.
Or his specials - the Childrens Hospital stuff is gold compared to that.
Reference a Poe story where someone wields a gun…
We are being punished for something.
Me either - I think I was even so young that the concept that they were trying to be funny zoomed over my head.
Jinx! To the minute, wow.
Joey, do you like Muppet gladiator movies?
That's… Although your current non-Californication-viewing situation is correct - you know there are other reasons to take a chance on watching a TV show, right?
I am - It's not anything more than it wants to be, and that's way, way better than Hunted.
I Rish it had slightly better dialogue, though!
I hadn't really drawn a line between the two before, but as it definitely has all of that, and I believe Avatar is the best animated show to have ever aired, yes, you're quite right.
Best of '11, by my count. I love you guys.
You'll enjoy the opening credits so, so much.
Hey, Mist-ah Kot-tair!