I Do Not Approve

Uh, 1600 Penn has already played and it's not racking up stats anyone would be jealous of.  I'd stick with Happy Endings on the off-chance it goes on to a long career in the TBS-leagues.

I feel we should Rasta-fy this feature by… 20% or so.

Dude, no way.  I mean, AVClub all alone probably isn't worth $40k a year, but being able to occasionally relax and have fun at work, and not she bored out of your fuckin' mind all the time?  That's really high on the good-job criteria.

They're gonna get hop-ons.

@Scrawler2:disqus Daddy scorn-y, Michael.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus Oh, please, do tell.

It makes me incomprehensibly angry and amazed that they made his shitty series into a goddamn actual TV series. Sure, it was syndicated, and not very well reviewed or loved, and canceled after a season or two, but aren't there a million other authors and series that deserve that chance more? 

That's like swearing off bananas forever because you ate a banana made of poop.

I can't recommend Dixit enough - it's not at all "gamer-y", it rewards the slightest bit of imagination with lots of laughs, and it goes over well with teens and cranky older aunts. Most of the time you won't even care who won.

For certain, 10,000 gamer snickers and quite a few CafePress T-shirts have been born of the phrase "I got wood for sheep".

I have played a lot with Dunwich and all the rest (and bought the little plastic mins for each of the 48 possible player Investigators.  Don't make me total up what my Arkham Horror collection has cost me or I'll be sad.) I have won more than once using all 8 expansions and 8 or 9 players.  So it can always be done -

@CNightwing:disqus , if you know that a Spell's Sanity cost is a cost that can't be reduced, not a Sanity loss that can be mitigated, that is less broken. Still pretty good, though.

I went (LA, not this travelin' show) and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Harmon mocked us a few times for paying $10 to see what we could have downloaded for free later.

On a positive note, we're teaching the reviewer what a word means. Yay Learning!

We need more data about the methodology of this study!


@twitter-1035963774:disqus Spammer, you'll be dead soon, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your nod to the holiday festivities! (Imaginary virus-distributing hot slut is wearing a santa hat!)

@twitter-1035963774:disqus Spammer, you'll be dead soon, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your nod to the holiday festivities! (Imaginary virus-distributing hot slut is wearing a santa hat!)

How the fuckballs did he not get paid a cent for “I’ll Be Missing You”?  That was way after samples had to be cleared and licensed.  Did the label flat-out own the rights?