
Yes!!!! And I loved she had those awful bangs because it was exactly like my haircut when I was little.

Feeling RAM click in place is one of the most satisficing moments ever. Much higher up that plugging in a SATA cable because I never can tell if that's all the way in or not.

*pushes nerd glasses up* As somebody who still actively collects LEGO, I am kind of amused by all the complaints about the female hourglass curve. I've played with LEGO since I could steal my older brothers, and I was always upset that he only had "boy" minifigs, basic square guys. When my parents bought me my own

The On-a-Budget-but-Nobody-Cares Wedding! We did everything on a budget, so we could get the location we wanted: Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. Luckily with all the medical specimens around, nobody complained about the chintzy food, or lack of floral decorations.

I had just gotten off the phone with my mom, after learning that my father had to go in for an emergancy bypass. I was hysterical crying, and a total mess. My roommate came home from (another) shopping spree, and asked me what was wrong. When I explained to her, hoping for a little bit of human compassion, she

I have never been on acid (because it sounds like a long and somewhat tedious experience)

I'm starving because when I saw it, I could only think, whoa that's the size of a cheesesteak!

I was all laughing and enjoying this article then the last part hit way too close to home and I started to cry at work.

flames. flames on the side of my face right now.

someone was working the stacks

I'm also one of the few in the Pro-Kim camp.

My mom actually owns a giant wool cape from Abercrombie she bought in the 1970's, when they used to be a sporting good kind of place.

Whoa whoa whoa, where is all that ice cream going/can I have some?


I bet you hate peas and "Anything with the word "sprouts" in it (bean, alfalfa, brussels, etc.)."

Can we all, for a moment, realize this woman is getting married to a man who hates avacodos and mushrooms?! If that isn't a BACK AWAY warning, I do not know what is.

This article made me laugh, cry, look at my tiny bank account, then cry again. Also, just an FYI, you can easily pick up brass knuckle iPhone covers for under $5 on ebay.

YES. Men in eyeliner. I'm with you!

If I had a few more minutes, I'd find a good slow clap gif for this, because it is exactly what I think about the whole thing. And now back to my coffee and bagel.