You have the opinion of an idiot.
You have the opinion of an idiot.
You're a massive faggot.
Mainly I wouldn't trust the talentless, bottom of the barrel, writers that Gizmodo hires. These people would shill anything, and talk out of their ass.
You boot licking, shill, you might as well write an article about how the CEO's dick tastes.
Both are garbage humans.
Another shit tier article from Brian, this was more advertising for that douche Jimmy Fallon than anything else. Without trash site like Kotaku you wouldn't be able to get work as a writer.
Wow, how does it feel to be so obsessed with someone you “don’t” like you feel the need to bring them up in everything?
This show is still better than anything AV Club has ever published.
Because you think it's boring it shouldn't be used? Lol
Wow, that is absolute garbage. I wouldn't even admit, in public, that you listen to that.
So no charges brought against the singer, no proof, and someone is now guilty of things alleged against them? This is the problem with #MeToo, and other virtue signaling social movements. It's based on mob mentality.
Just deal with these savage, animals, on the spot and put them down. If American's were smart we could have dealt with these beasts decades ago.
Good, that worthless nigger deserved it. Black people just existing is an offense to decency, and white people.
These sites must be the only place writers like you can find work, no one else would hire someone as talentless as you. This article is nothing more than you have a tantrum over Fox News, and Ben Shapiro. I sincerely hope you never have kids, the gene pool is contaminated enough.
You would know, faggot.
Actually, it's exactly the same. That's how words work, faggot.
Cool story, faggot.
It's so funny looking over all the comments of all the butt hurt faggot sjw's. Suck it up losers, no one gives a shit about your feelings lol
You are softer than baby shit. Retard, faggot, kike, nigger, spic, they are just words. Only people looking to be terminally offended seem to have a problem understanding this.
Or you could just admit to yourself that Weezer is gay, and liking them is even worse.