
 The Pixies? What a total faggot. That is garbage tier music, along with hipster as Weezer. 

 Wow, 25? What a complete loser. I've noticed that really shit people enjoy being in crowds. 

At least Weezer has talent, the bloggers for this company are talentless hacks. 

Got any proof? If not you are just making shit up. Also, you would have never made it in the military with your think skin. People in the military make joke about worse shit than that. 

Go to social media? So, what, you can start a public lunch job of claims that you have no proof to substantiate? Because if these people had proof they would find a lawyer, even pro bono.

Is there any proof of the allegations? Without that this is nothing more than virtue signaling and a witch hunt. Also, just because someone claims harassment doesn't make it true.

Fuck off, you communist fuck.

 Fuck you, people like you are nothib more than entitled, greedy, pricks.

You entilted, spoiled, greedy, asshole. You have no right to make these claims or assertions about how someone else spends their money. It's not your money, so about shutting your mouth about how people should spend theirs. You are nothing more than an air thieving, socialist.

#MeToo is getting out of hand. Instead of proving someone did something to you, all you need is to stir up public outrage and create a witch hunt. Shit, one of the loudest people who started #MeToo is now being accused themselves of sexual assault. Also, no one wants to read your retarded manifesto.

How about alt left, progressives, stop pedaling their shit social views? Because of the pc culture we will never get movies like Blazing Saddles made. Regressive progressives are a plague on a healthy society.

More political grand standing, and virtue signaling, from companies. What kind of air thief wants a politically correct comedian? The Tonight Show has been good since Leno left.

That's an interesting way of letting people know you're a progressive, alt left, soy boi.

You know the cucks that write for this shit rag couldn't pass up the opportunity to shit a little on Dr. Disrespect.

Fuck off you softer than baby shit, air thief. If you can't take the joke, shut your cock holster and move on.

I think you successful triggered the sjw cucks that frequent Kotaku.

John Lennon deserved it though. The man serially abused his first wife, and his kids.

Was probably a former lover...

Being a puppet to the government is the real mistake.

Nwe cars are just massive piles of plastic, and endless amounts of planned obsolescence. Not sure why anyone would buy a new economy priced car. My 88' Toyota pickup is still going strong, and is easy to work on.