
It’s a comedy show, why is political banter even matter? How dumb to you need to be to give care about the political opinions in comedy? Do these same people vet their news from the daily show? Also, how crazy left or right do you need to be to think that centrism is bad? I think the writer, and people agreeing, need

Job's didn't invent the iPhone, he didn't invent shit. He was just a cold, heartless, boss who drove his employees like a slave owner.

Can’t wait for Kotaku to be bankrupt. Oh no, he shared a picture. The sky is falling. This was seriously the best topic you could find to write about? Pretty pathetic. 

Remember that time you tried to sound witty? People are still upset about always online. Do us all a favor and keep your worthless ideas to yourself next time. 

This article is fucking trash. It's lazy, and moronic, writing like this why Kotaku and Gizmodo are going out of business. Can't wait for the day, and hopefully something better takes your place. You won't be missed, either lol

Why are you even employed? You could have made this a paragraph, instead you just went on a tangent. Adam at Kotaku is the only person, out of all these Gizmodo does, that earns their money. By writing quality pieces, and actually being a journalist. Can't wait to see Gizmodo go out of business. 


 Go fuck yourself. Your feelings don't matter. 

 Then take his black ass to court. 

Because false rape allegations have never ruined someone's life. You dindus would be funny if you weren't so dumb. 

You sound like a fudd who doesn't understand business, customers complaints, or have any idea how to be wealthy. Go back to knitting, clearly video games and critical thinking aren't for you. 

Tennis is a soy sport anyway.

I hope they pick him up and kisses off all the professional victims in the bay area. Just watch the soy culture lose their minds, it's great. Like watching all the fudds and boomers losing their shit during Obama. 

He's the counter to people that actually like this blog. All of you are race baiting, crying, professional victims. Also, Beyonce's music is trash. Without a studio she would sound like nails on a chalkboard. Main stream music is mostly trash, also by chance it's mostly black people performing it. Something tells me

You don't have to worry about that. They will just end up in prison, with no voting rights, because you'll be another single mom raising idiots.

Oh, yes, more outrage and screaming into your echo chamber. You really showed those people making bad comments.

How does that Bethesda boot leather taste? 

 Oh, yes, Kotaku has their little shill bloggers backing this pile of shit game. Can't wait for the layoffs to start at Kotaku, and bloggers like Zack are out. You are nothing more than a shill and bootlicker. 

You think it’s a good thing you can lie to people so you can play a videogame on your phone? I hope you get fired, kid. 

None of it matters. It's all just virtue signaling to a niche community of gaming. This isn't going to change anything in the people they are trying to demonize. It's honestly pretty funny watching all the SJWs patting themselves on the back over this, when it won't change one mind. Lol