That’s because only talentless, progressive, liberal, turd suckers get hired to write for the Gizmodo media group. Just about every blog put out by them is garbage, and little more than clickbait.
That’s because only talentless, progressive, liberal, turd suckers get hired to write for the Gizmodo media group. Just about every blog put out by them is garbage, and little more than clickbait.
You're just an air thieving faggot.
Cool story, faggot.
You're just a useless faggot who sniffs their own farts, and labels them good ideas. Do us all a favor and never have kids.
You are a talentless hack, who writes for AV Club, while Eminem is a legend in the rap community. I wouldn't expect anything else, but hate, from the progressive, liberal, turd suckers that write for Gizmodo. I saw another article claiming this album isn't good, and they too were a terminally offended, cuck, like…
There is no defense for a terrorist, fascist, group like ANTIFA. Anyone doing so is just as much of a scum bag as they claim to be fighting.
How about the hacks, like you, at Jalopnik, just stick to writing about vehicles. Thought this was supposed to be about cars, not some gossip tabloid. Also, how about trying to use something as a basis for writing an article. If you can't manage that, find a new career.
This media group, just like Spike Lee, are nothing more than outright racists.
You are such a hack. This is nothing more than celebrity worship, you gossip rag turd. You should feel embarrassed for writing this drivel, and cashing the check.
You are reaching, at best. Celebrity worship is disgusting, and if that is the kind of thing you want to write about going work PEOPLE.
Don't like jokes that offend you or make fun of a person or thing, stay off the internet till you get some thicker skin. Boo hoo, it was a poor joke, grow up.
These companies just don’t get it, a big part of the reason many people got rid of cable was because of ads. Personally, I rarely see a video ad that doesn’t make me dumber for having seen it. I am cancelling my twitch prime, and will continue to run ad block. Fuck Twitch, and fuck ads.
That's not how it works, at all. Cryptomining doesn't cause carbon emission like a car. No amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that. Energy is being made, whether crypto is being mined or not. You people that think humans cause climate change are just as mentally deficient as Alex Jones listeners.
Is being as ignorant as possible one of the major qualifiers to get a job beer the Gizmodo media umbrella? 1 in a 100 articles from you clowns is anywhere possible for quality work. This entire article is just ham fisted hyperbole, and has nothing to do with cars. You should feel paid for getting paid to write this…
Are you trying to look like a strung out version of Zarya? If nothing else you look like a meth addict.
If you didn't know the person that died, and are acting upset, you are doing nothing more than virtue signaling.
Stop being such a faggot. You didn't even know her.
Fuck off, faggot, you clearly have no idea how reporting works. Someone at Kotaku finally shows some talent, and you want to shit on them. I'm applauding the fact that someone at Kotaku seems to be able to do their job, and then some, plus write things that don't have some sjw, political, slant.
You're one those faggots that love to hear their own voice. Your long winded answers prove that in spades.
Fuck off with your short story response.