Fuck Kotaku, and their garbage tier blogging staff. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut, from time to time. Soon they’ll be back to injecting their incredibly biased political views into everything the site publishes.
Fuck Kotaku, and their garbage tier blogging staff. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut, from time to time. Soon they’ll be back to injecting their incredibly biased political views into everything the site publishes.
Could you sound anymore like a cuck? I bet you support antifa.
Good, ICE will hopefully catch people abusing the system. This country needs to get a lot more strict about who they let in. Too many air thieves, from other countries, are getting in. I think after the second time someone is caught in this country illegally should be put to death, in quick fashion.
I'm going to have a drink when this shit rag shuts down, because the left has lost the cultural war.
Yas, that one. Where manifest destiny got it's start, and where the white man would yet again building something the world can't live without. Show me which African country that's done anything to help the world in thousands of years. Shit, look at tribal lands in the states, most of them look like skid row in LA.
It would be worse to sit at a table with people like you, and the blogger that wrote this tabloid level piece of garbage. The left has lost, and will continue to lose the cultural war. You people are just as disgusting as the republicans you speak so poorly of.
Good job, you've managed to attract all the faggots with this article. Chew on this people like you, antifa, and the white supremacists, are all air thieves who hopefully never have children. You're all a cancer on society.
And that makes you a fascist piece of shit. Why is it so hard for you turd suckers to understand that. You are not the judge and jury. I hope someone calls you a racist and assaults you.
Are all the bloggers at jalopnik just a bunch of soy boi, cucks, who just like to take it up the ass while writing about the Mazda Miata? This is at least the 4 article about this bitch basket.
Cool story, faggot, my favorite part is where you suck dicks with your butthole.
You're a massive faggot.
This is why your a hack, writing blogs for pennies, and not an actual journalist. You slander, and attack, a dead person, who can’t defend themselves. I hope you stay a skilless, hack, who will never been seen as a profeasional.
I hope he posts hundreds of rape jokes. He should have never been fired. Most of these suits that work at places like Disney would have their head explode listening to military personnel, and veterans.
How about no. Most people don't want to watch anything out of Wetback Studios. Mexicans are only good at one thing, being illegal immigrants.
You are such talentless hack. How does a bum, like you, stay employed? Even the title of your book shows what a hack you are. Something like an over priced keyboard is low hanging fruit, unless your talentless like yourself.
You are such a boot licker, Fallout 4 is garbage, and by far the worst Fallout game. Also, Bethesda isn’t the reason DOOM 2016 is so good, it’s id software that made that game great. The sooner turds like you stop playing video games the better the market will be. I’m tired of great video game developers making games…
Jesus, you sound like a massive faggot. Also, you must be 1 of the 10 people that think Rust 76 is going to be good.
Is your entire life based in hyperbole? Stick to sucking dicks, faggot.
It’s pretty obvious you dont have a clue about what you are talking about. Your condescending tone is also completely out of line. You should just go back to writing about the soy boy topics your used to.
This character design would only bother you if you have a stick up your ass.