LA, and California for that matter, is a pile of garbage.
LA, and California for that matter, is a pile of garbage.
Are all your books self published, do you work for free? Because you have to be one of the worst writers I've had the displeasure of reading. In fact, most of the writing staff seem to be talentless. On top of that most of them seem to be perpetually offended sjws.
Show me the sexism. This article omits his side.
So what did he say? That seems to be ommitted from the article. This seems less like an article and more for a cry of public execution by kangaroo court.
It's almost as if people are going to use whatever language they want, leaving the perpetually offended looking like fascists and thought police.
It's a shame you weren't part of the staff that was laid off.
Oh no, fun detected. The publisher better put an end to that, immediately.
Didn't know Kotaku was a travel rag. The author is just pathetically enthralled with the Japanese.
You talentless hack, go write from a travel rag if you want to write these shit destination pieces.
Lol this entire rag is nothing more than racist drivel.
LOL wage gap based on gender. When are third wave feminists, modern progressives, and sjw's going to stop looking for ways to be perpetually offended?
It’s almost as if trans people make up so little of the population most people don't care about them, and the movie business is about making money. Which if they cast a trans person could cost them money on ticket sales.
Less people are watch the NFL which means ratings will be down. The author sounds just as ignorant as the people he's trying to put down.
Do you get paid to dick ride the article's author?
Trump won, deal with it snowflake.
Your untalented was won't be missed. Bye Felicia.
Nice pat on the back for yourself, want a cookie?
Why did you stop at just thinking about suicide, no one likes a quiter.
Sounds like you and your family have a problem, and you want to blame it on video games. Instead of enabling his behavior you could have done something much sooner, like adults are suppose to.
Does Kotaku make talentless a bullet point for their recruiters and wanted ads? I can't recall ever coming across a larger group of worthless writers on any other media site. I've been better written function than the vast majority of work published on this site.