
 Sure you are, that's why you're on here telling us about it. 

No, you are trying spin something into something it isn't. Some people are shit, we'll use you as example A.

Your words are feeble, and weak.

Of course you don’t have a problem labeling people to fit them in whatever box you want to put them in. Take your garbage opinion somewhere else.

Did you just insinuate that only men commit sexual crimes? There is a story, pretty much daily, about some female teacher getting caught having sex with a male, minor, student. Sex crimes are committed by both genders.

How do we know you aren't a piece of shit person, who hasn't been caught yet?

SAS is a rabid racist, waiting to yell it out at a moments notice. For that reason alone he isn't worth listening to.

This was the best thing you could come up with to write about? You should feel bad for cashing the checks Kotaku gives you.

So says the person that looks like a failed transgender version of Steve Urkel.

It's okay, nerd, we can tell you have spent too much time defending why you are a virgin, but also an 'athlete's lol

No, that is not how it works.

You’re absolutely correct. It's not a sport, it's competition.

Bye Felicia! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Hopefully the rest of the sjw, virtue signaling, staff of Giz Media follows.

Your first problem is living in the bay area. First thing on your list of stuff to do in life should be to get as far away as possible from California.

You're that asshole that calls the cops on kids selling lemonade, without a license.

Cry some more, kid. First world problems. 

What is wrong with you? Are you so hypersensitive that you think something expressing sarcasm is racist or are you so racist yourself that is all you can see? 

It’s almost as if trans people make up so little of the population they don't matter as a group.

Most of these people commenting, and the staff, are incredibly racist. All they can see is race, and skin color. It's fun, and sad, to see these people talking down about white people being racist. Yet they themselves are being just as racist. 

Because no one uses terms like "well spoken" to describe all sorts of people. Life must really suck for people as racist as you.