Oakland, and Richmond, are dumpster fire places to live. Same with EPA. They should just burn those places down, to get rid of the animals, and start over.
Oakland, and Richmond, are dumpster fire places to live. Same with EPA. They should just burn those places down, to get rid of the animals, and start over.
You must be a miserable human, if all you can see is the color of people's skin.
I would love to hear the mental gymnastics you do to justify your thinking of why smug is used to talk about an Asian person. You seem like a very bitter, and racist, person.
Your parents must be so proud, to have raised you to be such a racist. So racist you making a living being it. People like you are just as big of a reason racism is still a problem as the people you try to demonize.
This was the best topic you could come up with? Some fake tears story about yourself? You are nothing more than a bottom feeding sjw. You should be doing stories about how if it wasn't for Kotaku you would be working at McDonalds.
But does she take it in the butt?
More top tier, garbage, writing from the staff at Kotaku.
You forgot to apologise for being white.
This article is nothing more than racist drivel.
Where is the proof, because without it this is little more than character assassination.
Nothing like outing yourself as a fascist because you can’t handle someone else’s opinion.
Do you have any proof to substantiate her claims? If you don’t this is little more than attempted character assassination.
People should care why? Unless she has proof this is little more than a witch hunt by public opinion, and attempted character assassination.
Don’t quit your day job lol
Isn’t it great making these bleeding hearts lose their minds? Most of them will virtue signal, cry, and shout, about how you are terrible and these homeless people need help. Until they have to open their wallets or home. Then all of a sudden they talk about how they can’t, but would really like to help. I also love…
It’s a shame their aren’t more people out there letting these leeches know they are not wanted or welcome. Local governments, and cry hard sjw groups, have allowed these disgusting transients to take over. These homeless people cause immense health and safety issues to the public, and are a massive burden on tax…
I always get a good laugh at seeing what the new flavor of the day is for perpetually offended, third wave feminists, at Jeezbel are crying about.
Let’s rephrase this article to talk about girls, and you people would be losing your minds. This tabloid is nothing more than sexist drivel, and third wave feminism.
It’s not important, it’s sexism. Just a form of sexism sjw’s can stomach.
Just stop already. Women are not some special class of people, they are people like everyone else. Stop being so sexist.