I’m sure it’s a great car if you are female or some metrosexual soy boi.
I’m sure it’s a great car if you are female or some metrosexual soy boi.
Yes, the valid response would be to point out that Shakespeare was being copied.
Leave it to the Kotaku lush to report on something like this. I swear the staff at Kotaku have a competition to see who can scrape the bottom of the barrel the hardest.
You should feel embarrassed to write drivel like this, and collect a paycheck for it. This article is complete garbage.
Don’t worry if you were worth a man’s time you wouldn’t have to look for dates.
More sexist drivel from this publication. If men were saying the same stuff about women, most of you would lose your minds.
Spoken like a good, little, boot licker.
No one that matters gives a damn about roller derby. This is nothing more than another article with an ax to grind against men. Third wave feminism is more sexist then the men they claim to be so terrible.
Did you ask your boyfriend for permission to comment here?
What’s really gross is you think you should be paid for this drivel. You are as completely hollow like everyone else in msm.
I’m baffled you get paid to report stuff like this, and to write drivel about it. Seems like the perfect gig for a lush.
Wow, really breaking those essential news stories. How the fuck lushes like you manage to get paid to write drivel like this.
These trucks are for turd sniffers. The same clowns that bought the GTO remake are buying these. You want something for off road get an old Toyota pickup, not some ego stroking, piece of shit, like these Ford’s or Dodge’s.
It’s real simple, keep the sjw pc bullshit away from the national team. At the same time religion is for the weak minded. Both parties are wrong.
They are being a little bitch, and entitled.
Cool story, internet lawyer.
Heaven forbid people support following the rules. How dare they not emotionally over react, and disregard stated policy that they employ had every right to enforce. You aren’t entitled to shit, stop acting like you are.
Something happened you don’t agree with, must be racism. The kid has a different last name, this could be a safety concern. Kidnapping is a thing, you race baiter.
How about all of them. Does that make you feel any better? It’s not a gun problem it’s a person problem. How many kids need to die till people like you stop read, and sharing, news stories with picture of the murders? Why don’t we try to make murder illegal, that should help lol
Instead of being like the rest of the cry babies you are here crying about, how about don’t give it any attention, don’t buy the game, and let it face away like it would have. But, no, here you are like the rest of the fake offended, crying alligator tears. The game looks cheap, but no worse than things like Postal…