Their is a gun control problem, their are too many controls on them. Shall not be infringed.
Their is a gun control problem, their are too many controls on them. Shall not be infringed.
Boo hoo, someone asked if traps were gay. Totalbiscuit was a turd, good riddance I say.
Good riddance!
If this is something you think you need, in your life, do us all a favor and hold your breath for 5 minutes. If you built something like what’s pictured in the article, again, hold your breath for 5 minutes.
No, Kotaku just has an ax to grind. At best they are virtue signalling. The writers, for this tabloid level website, don’t care about fair representation. They care about showing off how much they care about certain issues.
Stop feeding into hyperbole, and feeding the trolls. This tiny group of people doesn’t constitute any measurable amount of “social” outrage. I would fathom a guess a lot of people making comments against women being in the game are just trolling. Just to laugh at articles like this one.
So a very small group of people are “upset”, and that is news worthy? You only draw more trolls to the non issue by doing lame pieces like this. Has so much of journalism devolved into screen-shotting a few tweets, and Reddit posts, and then claiming their is outrage? This article, and title, are pure hyperbole.
Wy do people keep giving this air thief, Sara Silverman, a platform? She is a complete waste of resources.
Trevor Noah is not an A-list celebrity, he’s barely a celebrit. Not sure why people even watch him.
I wouldn’t believe anything from Consumer Report. An organization that is bought and paid for like BBB.
Could the author of this drivel out themselves anymore as a city living, soy boy? Also, why weren’t these two Seattle “men” carrying firearms? Oh, that’s right, stupid liberal gun control prevents them from doing so.
The opening of this article is so derogatory, and bigoted, that I don’t understand what moral high ground the author thinks they are taking over anyone. Seems to me the readers of this drivel are a match made in haven for Jordan Peterson fans. Both groups are disgusting.
Cool story, faggot, I like the part where you suck dicks with your butthole.
Sounds like you hangout out with the social, and genetic, freak jobs.
Boo hoo, sorry I don’t prescribe to your soy boy way of thinking.
So you are nothing more than thought police. You don’t condone violence until someone does something you don’t agree with.
They aren’t a women. They are just mentally ill. Stop trying to make allowances for these wack jobs that make up less that 5% of the population.
For what? What did Denny’s as a whole do to that mentally ill, freak, to deserve being shamed. A manger did something. People like you are a cancer on society.
How do air thieves like you think that Denny’s as a whole is to blame for the actions of one employee? It’s not like the board members were there helping guide this manger. The manager should be kicking out these mentally unstable, freaks, out for using the wrong bathroom. The person being recorded is male, not female.
No they aren’t, they are people with a mental illness. And they should be treated as such.