
He probably heard there was an unaccompanied woman in New Hampshire.

It’s clear that, in writing your article, you’re guilty of arson.

Arson around.

This and the one on how steel drums are made blew my mind!

Wow...he actually sounds as close to Jim Henson’s Kermit as I thought was possible.

Brought a huge lump to my throat.

Yes, cocaine WILL help you touch-type faster...although, it might be easier to do it off of a mirror instead of a keyboard....

Mitigated by assigning exactly one star.

Foiled again!

If this hasn’t changed his mind, nothing will, and this is why these abhorrent arseholes keep getting voted into office.

I would like an explanation as to how someone laughing during a hearing is an illegal act, while someone yelling ‘You LIE!’ while the president gives the State of the Union address is not...

Oh, and that explanation cannot use the fact that the latter was aimed at the country’s first black president.


Given that it is hard to tell if an aircraft carrier is heading TO or FROM something, how can one tell which direction is the front of the carrier? #AskingForAPresidentFriend

Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!

Just for Mango Mussolini, one star for you.

I live my life on quarter-mile at a time.

Amy good gorilla

James Woods’ obsession with snowflakes, explained.

About time this podcast gets the recognition it deserves.

Predicting this now...brought in alive, then acquitted by jury for standing up for his rights (although, this scenario would only happen should he opt to wear a cowboy hat. Defense lawyer, take note).

how about a schooner?

Got my vote. Switched from FAW (fat-ass wallet) to the TGT wallet 5 months ago, and I love it. Carries all the cards I need, looks great, and is incredibly durable.

Got my vote. Switched from FAW (fat-ass wallet) to the TGT wallet 5 months ago, and I love it. Carries all the cards

I think you forgot to mention that he also called Khizr Khan a con artist earlier this week as well: