Flesh-colored Gamorrean who did well for himself after running Jabba’s campaign.
Flesh-colored Gamorrean who did well for himself after running Jabba’s campaign.
an amphibian brain
Easy there, Lebron
This is vintage Newt. He has all these crazy, madness-induced views...but, every once in a while he says something coherent and thoughtful.
It’s probably the last vestige of his sanity occasionally surfacing for one last gasp of air before plunging below the waves.
Get the First Lady a Monster Energy drink, STAT!
Tax avoision
What’s this from? I’m dying here...
Speaking of proton packs, I think it’s impossible for women to cross their streams. I mean...they’d all have to crouch in a circle or something #amiright
Haven’t read, but...
This story ends with the guy who made the LEGO display being shot and killed for being a danger to the child, right?
There are two things about this story that hit me right in the gut:
An Innsmouth, Massachusetts Justice of the Peace named Conrad Hafen
Such a Bananadrama...looks like it’s going to be a Cruel Summer.
Even the kids want to get away
...but there are so many great, and varied, podcasts out there.
I find that the car using its windshield wipers at 0:01 is a good metaphor for life.
If the end of all this is that Trump gets elected, can we start an online campaign for the ending to be changed?
I think it’s because you learn the definition for the word in seventh grade.
I bet he thought he was in deep shih tzu when he saw the lights flashing.
I was wondering why there was something naggingly familiar about this game...and then it hit me: This looks exactly like Tacoma, the game from the same devs of Gone Home that’s supposed to come out in 2017.
Pretty sure that this is how Hitler’s rallies went down before he became Chancellor.