
The biggest thing is that the OT ship designs, having been based in the idea of having interesting textures, translate so well to lego. As time went on, and ships transitioned so heavily to CGI, they got sleeker.

I’m seriously considering grabbing the tie bomber. It having no stickers also makes it super nice...

Counterpoint - the Tomb Raider movies are amazing as long as you go in expecting so-bad-they’re-good, campy, 90s action-comedy.

They made it look fun and interesting - the trailers were great.

Disney’s fun/entertaining but massively under-advertised Strange World (2022) would like to refute the point you’re trying to make. 

I legitimately didn’t know AMC+ existed. Is that just a “me” thing?

That’s valid, kid. Don’t settle for the “it was all a dream” trope!

Oh yeah, I definitely think the value skyrockets for a kid.

Awww, yay. I’m happy you loved it so much! It’s always nice to hear things that I was meh about are beloved by someone else.

Having bought it while I had Covid over the summer, did I enjoy it? Sure. But tbh it doesn’t live up to the memory of the original. Even with whatever updates they made (if any), it feels dated.

D0n’t give me that bullshit. Yeah, there is a small subset of trans* folks who are still buying HP merch. There are hyper conservative trans* folks like Caitlyn Jenner, and others who have written pro-JKR op-eds. That doesn’t mean they represent even a significant minority of the community, let alone the majority.

There is a difference here.

Then you legitimately don’t give a shit.

A bunch of regular people... whose careers are incredibly unlikely to face significant change whether you buy the game or not. Sales will influence a studio’s decision on whether or not their next game should be a HP game, NOT on whether or not to make another game. They’re a game studio - as long as they exist, they

HP is at the very least a currently tainted property because the person who overwhelmingly benefits from HP’s ongoing merchandising is JK herself, who actively contributes to anti-trans activity both through her influence as a public figure and, more importantly, economically.

When I see stuff like that, I just HAVE to assume that the original budget for the CGI was much, much higher and would have entailed something far more interesting.

Honestly, I think a huge part of this is that humanity, in having a brief period of time where written communication was overwhelmingly not the norm, has essentially forgotten that writing is never guaranteed to be private and that you should think carefully about what you put to paper.

I find W3's approach to be refreshing, tbh. It’s the kind of system that rewards you the more you invest into it BUT it also offers digestible options that are also going to be just fine on lower difficulties.

I knew nothing about Ixion before this, but I sure am intrigued now

I remember people being pissed about the Rogue One trailer, with some scenes being ones just filmed for the sake of evoking the tone in the trailer without having to give things away.