
I mean. So much of Murray’s humor has always been at the expense of women. Quite frequently, their agency, in reference to his own sexual interest.

Totally agree. And often Battle Pass skins/costumes in these games are limited to that pass only, so if you miss it, you’re out of luck. And that just doesn’t feel good, imo.

These waivers generally explicitly include injury due to negligence, too, so I doubt that would hold up.

I totally get what you mean. I was just arguing that an important distinction in the comparison between this and LoL is that, for OW1 players, this is a fundamental change in the monetization system which has added any aspect of P2W mechanics for the first time. Where people who came to LoL were already signed on for

At literally no point does Jody do anything even remotely close to that. You’re bringing your own preconceptions or sensitivities into this.

Honestly, don’t pay for anything with cash apps, period.

I get the point you’re making about the “only recently begun to feel like a credible threat they’re often built up to be.” And I 1000% understand and respect the need to breadcrumb to other articles.

The significant part here is the fundamental way OW changed. OW1 made every hero available, so RMT was solely cosmetic.

Because they get clicks, which translates into revenue.

Same as everywhere else in NYC. Mask usage has largely disappeared here. Which feels... not great.

The difference is that most British artifacts outside of Britain were brought outside the US by the British, during their colonial processes. They exported it.

HA, sucker.

Can anyone else get the CC button to work? Because I sure can’t. Y’all really need to start posting transcripts for accessibility... It’s way past time for that, imo.

I mean, I’ll be fair and note that the advancement in tech (for home computers and consoles) between Morrowind and Skyrim was FAR larger than it was from Skyrim to now.

I can handle one, but they rarely deserve the run time. It’s VERY rare I see a 3 hour movie and feel like it had tight editing and actually needed that run time. Usually there are significant amounts of time that could be easily cut, and which would have actually made the movie better.

The main story actually isn’t that long, and battles don’t really get that hard or long until higher difficulties.

We definitely have a “just get over it” culture that can make therapy SUPER useful for this piece. Because, even if we have supportive people in our lives, people mostly just don’t know how to engage and support around depression (especially when it’s linked to an event which is no longer “present” for them).

That’s my problem, though - it’s not that there’s something a bit off about Jack in the start. It’s that I’d 10000% believe that guy went home and axe murdered his family in their apartment, right after the job interview, without the influence of the haunted hotel.

I have NEVER understand the Shelley Duvall hate for The Shining. I always thought she gave the best performance of the bunch, tbh.

The one caveat I want to make here is that having some flexibility is important, but you shouldn’t be flexible about the end goal of independent inspection.