
Sensitivity to historical context is MASSIVELY different from correlating a racial group with racist imagery because you agree with it (consciously or unconsciously).

The original film is legitimately better. The pacing is much tighter. The scenes cut don’t enhance the film and, in the case of the high school ones in particular, stop it cold.

I got to the.... second to last episode? Maybe? She was on the boat. I aggressively fast forward the next one with the zombie on the boat, hoping it’d be interesting enough to go back and watch.

Except you aren’t buying a car.

Except that some people will absolutely connect better at their table if they have a digital 3d tabletop.

I 1000% agree that John Deere’s right to repair bullshit is anticompetitive. But that’s a different beast.

People consistently misunderstand this.

Well, it’s also important to note that, while the argument is similar, the context is also very different.

Yes it will.

It’s like when shit like Star Wars calls coffee “caf.

Netflix’s marvel shows moved to D+, but that’s because Disney ultimately owned them.

Yeah, I wanted to like the film so badly. Monster flick with Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer as the leads? Sign me UP.

“Essential” isn’t meant to say that every player must have it. It’s a comment about the relative impact on the market ecosystem that a given product has - it’s not that its essential to the individual consumer, it’s that it’s essential that it be available within each market ecosystem. And it’s hard to say that the

My gut reaction is that the average age would be somewhere between 20 and 30? But that’s just all it is - a gut reaction.

Of the gimmicks, megas were definitely the best of the bunch, imo.

Yeah, this is the ENTIRE point of the phrase. No one thinks it’s because the actual order changes anything if the number of drinks of each type is set in stone.

I’m shocked the chicken bake at costco is on this list. I got it once and thought it was one of the most tasteless waste of calories I’d ever had... Threw the thing away.

I still think about the super exaggerated midwestern accent on the merchant’s mother and just laugh.

I think what they are pointing out is that their individual stories were told as if they were solo. The vignettes on the other hand did establish that it was a party. And iirc the vignettes don’t really relate to the character plots so much as just their general characterization. So while it might build some

I honestly just don’t understand bringing D&D to the big screen.