
Same. And it’s not like the game suffers for being structured, platformer levels...

In the US, I think these started appearing in the mid-2000s? You may have seen really basic animations before then, but yeah.

Yeah, I like remasters for just bringing the games to new systems and making them prettier on more modern screens, since the resolution is an issue.

I’ve actually always found cheese awkward with ham. Ham, being fatty, sweet, and salty, doesn’t need cheese - it needs bite. Mustard, peppers, maybe a nice balsamic?

Putting cheese on a tomato sandwich—or a BLT for that matter—would be a big crime. (Summer tomatoes should not be forced to hide their light under the bushel of cheese.)

The ways in which ReyLo was fine: as a way in which young women were exploring their own sexual interests.

But you need to consider the context in which it is happening.

I like animations when finding a thing is an event. When it’s something worth being individually excited for. That can be the case in plenty of RPGs, but it’s not how most open-world games are currently handled, going more for volume in their approach to crafting systems.

Development of these kinds of disabilities can be really brutal for families and individuals who gain them. It’s such a massive shakeup to the way you can engage with the world and each other. Acquiring any disability can be really hard, but one which has such outsized impacts on our social functions is really, really

I think the problem is that we just don’t engage in nuance anymore. We don’t let things be complicated, or appreciate that they are.

It’s contextual.

Good for them!

Yeah, but one isn’t to the exclusion of the other. Sony is wagering that their subscription players will still buy their first party titles, and that people who buy their first party titles will also want to subscribe.

Gaza has received many billions in direct aid from the UN, alone, over the last decade, not to mention any other of the many donor bodies which have sent it money.

That’s some real mental gymnastics you’re doing. The way John responded to the post was ABSOLUTELY in line with how it was written. 

You can resize the window to get it in listicle format.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it BUT I also understand people being protective of their personal space. The real issue was the audacity of Tammy to claim it without asking.

Oh man, wish I saw this yesterday. Used leftover challah from Friday night to make a new, bomb french toast casserole on Sunday, and this would have been great with it. I used apple butter I made earlier in the week, but it wasn’t quite hitting the mark...

I 100% agree with you that there are asexual people. Having said that, I strongly doubt that 6% of male-identified and 15% of female-identified people are asexual. Of course, asexuality is, itself, a spectrum - but I’ve never seen statistics to suggest asexuality is this common.

I haven’t tested any of them out yet, but I was very glad to see the sorceries changes. I haven’t tested any of the very late game sorceries, but sorcery scaling was a PROBLEM for these builds. Glintstone pebble being the right call for 90% of situations was a very boring reality. It didn’t help that most of the