That’s because we were still in a weird transition from word processors to computers, and style hadn’t been updated for a computer age.
That’s because we were still in a weird transition from word processors to computers, and style hadn’t been updated for a computer age.
Also, I’ve never heard someone say “slide deck,” ever. I’ve heard deck. I’ve heard presentation. “Slide deck” is weird.
Is this your first time in a comment section?
The thing that’s different is that boomers think that the console actually is a Nintendo because they’re ignorant about games consoles.
I agree that’s likely what’s happening, but I don’t think it disproves Google’s point.
In what ways has Nintendo become vernacular for a product which is not Nintendo? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone mistakenly call a game system a Nintendo since I was a kid and my mom didn’t know what the playstation 1 was.
I’m enjoying it as a F2P player, but I think this is definitely one where it’s important to be realistic about what that means. I am NOT attempting to be competitive in any way. I’m just having fun leveling characters through the story. If story updates aren’t frequent enough, then I’ll leave. May or may not come back…
Remasters can theoretically do this, because they are updated versions of the core game. There could still be significant tech hurdles, but it could be done.
And there was that really fun thing with Miles’ dad! Way too lighthearted.
I assume we mean darker in tone.
If NFTs in neopets ruin your childhood just WAIT until you find out about all the scientology.
I think seasonal characters are fully online, because of the ranking system, but that you are otherwise able to create offline characters fine? I’ve DEFINITELY played D3 without internet, so I’m sure there’s a function.
I didn’t say they needed to stay neutral. I specifically said Kotaku is dedicated to social commentary.
It’s their job.
This is the thing I never understood about people wanting huge lawns. There is legitimately no landscaping or routine maintenance chore I hate more than mowing a lawn.
God I almost want to buy a house in MA and do this just out of spite alone.
Well most libertarian views tend to be criticized becuase libertarian philosophy doesn’t well account for or address the implications of racism, sexism, etc. in human behavior.
I think the issue is that we’re ultimately past the time where most people consider it acceptable for someone with an immense platform, which generates significant economic and social power, to be so incredibly cagey about who they are and what they believe/endorse.
Oh, to be clear, I’m not saying I agree with the author. I agree that I’d like to see a LOT more gardens in the world (both ornamental and utility), but I don’t care that people have lawns too, particularly in regions with heavy rainfall.
I guess I just don’t see why pepto-pink should be something a neighbor isn’t allowed to do. And that’s where the fundamental difference is.