Apple butter > no-peel apple sauce.
Apple butter > no-peel apple sauce.
I think there’s a certain merit in suing a character who has been nerfed into the ground that you paid very real money for.
I can’t think of a single trilogy made better by being a trilogy except for those rare cases where they were actually conceived/planned as a trilogy.
To two of the people who replied to this, I see you. And part of your response. But no one else can.
What, you don’t like replies that appear in your notifications but which never appear in the actual comments section, so you can’t even engage?
It’s not that big a deal, my dude.
I’d generally agree with you, but this is a pretty significant update in one of gaming’s biggest current events.
That’s not what this article is about at all though?
Doesn’t the judge saying that Apple doesn’t need to allow Epic back onto the store mean that they’re in the clear for them?
I haven’t followed the actual trial case, but I assume that is because Epic violated their contract with Apple? The judge’s ruling affects what Apple needs to allow going forward, but doesn’t retroactively make Epic violating their contract their right. So Apple’s decision to terminate their relationship is valid?
The prequels were very, very bad movies.
An update to textures/models is a remaster, not a remake.
Tbh I’m just so incredibly tired of this comparison.
On the one hand, I agree.
The odds are realistically the least relevant part of it though, unfortunately. Even knowing the odds, people will still make the same bad decisions.
Yeah, that part definitely blows.
Unless I’m misreading something, the specific meeting being discussed in this article is separate from the limits on minors.
Thanks for the correction!
I don’t think it was meant to be taken that literally.
Well there’s kinda two things at play (though, of course, there could be racism as a third).