
Yeah. While obviously every community has bad apples, I’ve always found XIV’s community to generally be a vastly more positive, helpful community than average.

Yes, and my point was that this can also be reductive. Not all games are actually set on earth at a specific place in time. Those games ALSO need diversity.

It isn’t that simple.

I’m not a roguelike fan at all, either, and Hades really nails it. I’m also, for that matter, not a fan of games that revolve around dying, like anything Soulsborne.

I see french fries included in gyros fairly often...

I can’t imagine wasting a lemon every time I have to clean my cheese grater...

Why exactly do you read Kotaku?

This is an exceedingly fair list.

I don’t think that’s entirely fair...

Or returns that are sitting as returns in extremely overtaxed UPS depots... Like mine is.

It seems like there’s some pretty huge variance on consoles. I’m not on a Pro - just a normal PS4 - and it’s vastly less playable than this for me.

I’d argue that Ash play both, but go from Bastion > Transistor.

Because Trump is a force of chaos. Even Trump doesn’t understand what Trump is doing. He’s evil like a hurricane is - albeit a hurricane we could have just not let happen, but still.

I would happily trade knowing about racist-ass Jeffree Star for any of the others. Tragically, he is also the only one I know.

Don’t you dare counter me by being reasonable, how dare you.

Tbh, I don’t really understand the appeal of normal GTA games, so this is even further down my list. It’s just one of those things I chalk up to the fact that I, specifically, will never understand it.

Listen, I think mashed turnips are delightful.

Ehhhhhh. Solo would have gotten lost to an extent even if it was just after Rogue One, and none of the sequel trilogy happened.

Bruh are we really gonna say it didn’t look like him?

My PS4 is on its last life, now, and I’m so worried it’ll crap out before Sony has time to iterate/fix emerging errors with the initial runs.