
Kits have gotten much, much better in even the past 5 years, let alone 20.

As someone who is friendly to the IP, and just recently tried to actually watch Gundam Wing...

Fallen Order is also smart in that they’re basically always a reveal of something grandiose. The feeling of squeezing through something small, to be greeted with something breathtakingly vast and beautiful?

I’m sure some were. And they may be OT exempt by contract.

They admit that the company owns the IP.

It looks to me like it’s a game that will live or die around how it actually feels to play.

Listen, I’m far more open to bargaining than a Republican Congressman...

Oh, I really liked the game. But FUCK this rope in particular.

I think many traditions also maintain hard lines in public vs. private life. So it isn’t even JUST that sex=sinful, it’s that publicly expressing an alternative view is itself the biggest sin.

It’s really just a story skip, though. If they go back to replay any of the earlier expansion content, it’s still just as messy.

He could have literally just said “Well PS4 players have recently enjoyed a really great Spider-Man game, and we thought those fans would enjoy playing with him in our Avengers game, too, so we worked with Sony to make it happen.”

Because I’d wager they actually paid for exclusivity, and so pissing off the company who owns your rights is not a good career move.

I haven’t played this game in months and the gif INSTANTLY filled me with rage.

I recently went back to play some WoW, and there’s a version of this I find really frustrating:

The actual list of what’s included in the beta feel like it’s intentionally limited though. The real question is in whether or not they actually have more to offer.

I think Phase 3 has actually been very, very tame from a comics perspective, though. It started getting into crazier science and added magic, sure, but I expect us to start entering the actual batshit stuff as we enter P4.

I think it’s not what the game is trying to be and, tbh, I’ve never much in their press or design to suggest it would be?

A. One doesn’t exclude the other.

What’s your tolerance for poor cameras?

I’ve said it before, but frankly I think the problem with vanilla WoW is this -