I mean. It doesn’t sound so weird to me, since boba aren’t naturally sweet. I’m just not sure I see the point. Boba are textural, but the cheese should mess that up in a bite?
I mean. It doesn’t sound so weird to me, since boba aren’t naturally sweet. I’m just not sure I see the point. Boba are textural, but the cheese should mess that up in a bite?
While it’s a fair point, let’s also just take a moment to remember that this is a story about the drastically privileged taking advantage of the far less-privileged, regardless.
There’s really no gentle way to say this, so I’ll just be upfront about it - yes, it will.
I so wish I was in the camp that understood the love for IX, because people who love it seem to REALLY love it. I’ve tried to get through it so many times, and have always abandoned it before I finish disc 2 (or the equivalent of that, in the Switch version).
I so wish I was in the camp that understood the love for IX, because people who love it seem to REALLY love it. I’ve…
I think there’s a very real aspect to this that’s similar to grooming, I think. I don’t think it’s quite the same thing, but...
So I’ve been with my boyfriend since 2008, when I was 17 and he was 27 (I may not have been entirely truthful about my age when we started seeing each other).He was my first everything, boyfriend, kiss, etc. I thought we had the perfect relationship for a long time, we seemed like the couple everyone wanted to be.
Multiple sources doesn’t magically mean more probable. The documentary did *zero* leg work to substantiate why someone was trustworthy or not.
Yeah. I think a lot of it is misogyny.
I would also counter this that there were some pretty extreme biases on part of who they interviewed about the husband. I mean, I’m pretty sure one of the sources that he was going to divorce her was the ex-wife.
Wait, people hate this woman that much???
The fundamental problem of positioning. The bottom button being confirm just makes sense to me, because it’s where my thumb naturally rests. They should have made O the bottom and X the right button.
I often dislike the rusical, because it’s a subtle way for the producers to undermine or reinforce the queens they like. There are SUCH gaps in the quality of the choreography, and it shows.
I think Ru has been slowly grooming Todrick Hall for the role for quite some time. They’ve worked together more and more, Hall is a judge more frequently, and he’s even started incorporating drag into his art more aggressively.
A couple other great quarantine books:
A couple other great quarantine books:
I feel this way about clothes, too.
THIS. Especially since he stops telling you about them if you bulk submit, but have to go through so many menus to submit individually.
I’ve wondered this.
HUGE caveat about a 4qt cambro in a home kitchen - You need to always cool down warm liquids in an ice bath before you put it into a fridge even in commercial kitchens. But commercial kitchens have substantially more powerful fridges than you likely do at home.
HUGE caveat about a 4qt cambro in a home kitchen - You need to always cool down warm liquids in an ice bath before…
Now that I’m completely stuck at home with endless time, my specific need for various games to be on Switch has abated somewhat....
Which I get. And in that sense, the reputation management of fixing the initial game had enough value from the perspective of future work was wise.