It happens in such a mcflurry that it is hard to see what happens. But Mayor McCheese held a press conference where he praised the worker for taking care of the REAL hamburglar who came back one more time and is no longer loving it.
It happens in such a mcflurry that it is hard to see what happens. But Mayor McCheese held a press conference where he praised the worker for taking care of the REAL hamburglar who came back one more time and is no longer loving it.
This is just training the little girl for when she can be shamed for her food choices as an adult.
Wooooo MSU!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to get 3;30 am breakfast after a night of drinking. And yeah it’s pretty much always a shitshow.
The note from the school makes no sense to me whatsoever. How does someone need bread to go along with potatoes? And who is sending their kid to school with a potato in her lunch box? I can get behind the idea that the school is trying to advocate healthy choices for kids, but they’re making a piss-poor effort to…
If schools really wanted to be healthy, they would not be doing 2-3 periods of math and 2-3 periods of English a day to test prep. A growing number of schools have science and social studies as a rotating subject. I don’t want to do 2 or 3 periods of math a day, why in the hell would kids? More time in math =/= more…
Exhibit 4,263,973,910 of why our education system is a fucking joke.
Did you pop that kid out YOUR cooter? No? Then don’t tell me what to feed it. Metiches. All up in the kool-aid, don't even know the flavor.
I work in education. Cookies are a necessity.
That note is so confusing, what if your kid is lactose intolerant? Is milk still required? Why do you need bread to go with your potatoes? One starch isn’t enough? And, peanut butter most certainly is a healthy snack, don’t noboby try to take my peanut butter.
While I encourage healthy eating, this was not the way to go about Oreos in a lunch box. What the school administrators should have done was... Nothing. What that kid eats is between her mother and her.
And, much like cops who confiscate drugs, the school administrators promptly “used” the Oreos. It was a wild night.
IMHO if a school is going to be this strict with all of the rules concerning food, then they just need go ahead and don’t allow the kids to bring lunches from home. Have the cafeteria feed each student. That way they can be in complete control of what the kids are eating.
So glad she survived the attack and that we have the good fortune of having her voice in the world. The beautiful irony, that these monsters who tried to silence her through their shameful actions are part of her story of triumph. I hope that burns them up inside.
Fuck you for making me post this picture of Russel Brand.
I’m thinking Mr Vest ponders, what’s corporate going to think??
The amazing thing to me is despite the fact that police were called to the scene and there’s video evidence, no one has been arrested as of yet.
Are we in agreement that he’s got the best wig game?
They have to fire him. Hell, I’d fire him. But I’d give him a GREAT recommendation!
You can almost see the thought bubble: “What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?! This is the most violence I have EVER BEEN EXPOSED TO IN MY LIFE”
Guess he was really craving a McKnuckle Sandwich.