Daddy, what’s a fuckass?
Daddy, what’s a fuckass?
No but I LOVE the idea of reading as a form of peaceful protest. What is more peaceful and yet a clearer “IDGAF” than reading? We could start the hashtag #NotNowImReading to share examples.
Who is trolling harder: Shia LaBeouf or Donald Trump?
I’m sensing a little hostility and that concerns me.
There is a drinking game where you take a shot every time they say “virgin,” “sister,” or “book.” You will die.
There is a Bush brother whose wikipedia page only has the very basic information. He’s the Michael.
This movie could have been SO GOOD though.
True true.
No, I'm saying that 17 and 23 are very very very different ages.
He is the Gob of the Bush family.
Part of the reason we, as a culture, have laws and rules against grown-ass adults dating young teens and children is for this exact reason. Kids aren’t dumb, but they don’t always do things in their best interest. Therefore, the responsibility is on adults to not be creepy fucks, and on the culture/government/whatever…
Okay but a 14-year-old girl dating a 17-year-old boy is very different from a 14-year-old girl dating a 23-year-old man.
I mean, 100 years ago, women couldn’t vote. 200 years ago, it was totally normal to own slaves. 300 years ago, duels were still a thing.
Jif sells mini packs of peanut butter, or you can make your own with small tupperware containers. Then you can pre-slice your apple and hold it together with a rubber band so you can dip!
IDK guys, I’m not sure that we’re ready for a movie featuring the Twin Towers yet. I’m being serious here. It’s a little soon.
If I had a time machine, I would totally just go back to 1997 and tell everyone that Harry was going to become the hotter one and watch people’s reactions.
I don’t love Demi’s music, but I respect the hell out of her for being so honest and open about her troubles with eating disorders, drugs, mental illness, et al. You keep doing you, girl.
Up until about 6 months ago, I was shit at keeping my apartment clean. This one event changed all that.
Well this makes me feel a lot better about my complete lack of romantic/sex appeal as a teenager.