
Er... what? Speaking as a super-curvy woman, I’m 95% sure that bandage dresses were MADE for my body type.

Are 90’s-style high-cut garments coming back into fashion?


I want you to know that I literally just stood up and walked away from my computer for about 5 minutes because of this.

I’m sorry, why does Beiber look like John Lennon tried to become Amish for like 20 minutes?

It looks like someone is about to make sweet, sweet love to that gun.

cycle of abuse motherfuckers

My ex had a Google alert for the phrase “Florida man.” It never disappointed.

Are we 100% sure that Donald Trump is not a 12 year old who has that “Jack” disease? Because he honestly acts like a preteen.

this is my favorite thing in the universe.


One day, I hope to be remembered for my ability to match the perfect gif or lolcat to any situation.

The Google.

Space has a very distinctive odor, from what I have read. It’s kind of a burnt rubber smell.

The kosher section of the grocery store. Here in Atlanta, it runs about $5-7 for a sizable jar.

It’s also the secret ingredient in Whole Foods’ garlicky kale with which I am obsessed. OBSESSED.

I can’t wait for the Obama presidency to end just so that we can see Barack and Michelle go on double dates with Bey and Jay-Z.

I make my vet do it sometimes. This is why my cat is known at that office as “The Cat Who Bit [vet tech].”