I FINALLY caught up with Girls. Spoilers in the reply.
I FINALLY caught up with Girls. Spoilers in the reply.
Truth. Do you know how many straight-A, captain-of-the-whatever-team, Model UN-doing, Student Council members I went to high school with who drank like fish on the weekends and did all kinds of miscellanous illegal shit? But, nope, since that was the suburbs and they were all mondo-rich, nothing ever happened.
Can we bring back the stocks? I feel like that would be the most humane way to deal with these assholes.
Oh Dennis. The "Parent Trap" curse strikes again.
Nah, it looks normal from the outside. It does have a room under the stairs (I call it the Hobbit Hole) and several wood panels that lead to inside the walls (the doorway to Narnia). It was an interesting place to live.
Saudi Arabia can't be corrupt: they have oil! Everyone knows that oil only happens where people are pure, wholesome, and Christian.
I want to high five, hug, and go to a party with Ms. al-Sharif, all at the same time. She's so awesome that I can't even begin to explain how important the work she does is.
That sentence is so vague, I'm not even sure who is supposed to be offended.
There's a weaponry track that is entirely populated with 40-something single white men. My boyfriend saw the title of the panel on the schedule and said it sounded interesting, so I went for him. The Q&A part of it was basically people asking when the government was going to take away their guns.
Happy Saturday, everyone! I was going to see Rachel Maddow tonight, but I'm pretty sure the show is sold out, and also I don't want to get off this couch. So I'm going to edit Wikipedia articles (because apparently there aren't enough female editors and I need to fix that personally), watch "Girls" and "Community,"…
Whatever gets you off, man.
1) My library is about 5GB now, and it'll probably grow. I'm looking to play it on mobile (Android and Kindle Android) as well as Windows and Ubuntu (my most-used laptop partition). I think Amazon Cloud might be a good idea because of the Kindle, but I haven't gotten the free version to work yet, which makes me…
Don't forget violin!
Is that Tommy Lee Jones?
I feel so bad for little kids on airplanes. I've heard that the pressure change hurts them so much worse than adults. And the poor parents who have to see their babies in pain... my heart is breaking just thinking about it.
There are few things I find less sexy than an airplane cabin. I don't get the desire to have sex on a public flight, yo.
When a dude tries to hog my leg room, I smile at him sweetly and say, "Honey, I know your package isn't THAT big. Stay in your space."*
When I was 16, I went on a group trip to Israel. We went home on a public flight (versus the flight in which was chartered). I was seated in the middle of a 5-seat section, next to two other teenagers on the trip who were apparently a couple. I was feeling pretty gross, and luckily fell asleep before the plane took…
Happy Friday everyone! Three completely unrelated questions.
My parents' house has creaky floorboards because it was built by an emotionally unstable 5-year-old. Seriously. There are doors that have no purpose, rooms without electricity (and rooms with like 1000 sockets), a staircase that is about a foot wide, terrible acoustics, a wood shelf above a stone fireplace, etc. etc.