
Oh I know 100% what you mean and why the whole situation is fucked. I think it was just the way that NPR broke this story to the US that made it seem so stereotypical. They were doing everything short of singing "La Marseillaise" on-air.

I want a crescent flatbread. Dipped in hummus. Sweet Jeebus I'm hungry.

I get most of my interviews through LinkedIn. The application process is really easy, so I can knock out 10-15 applications in an hour.

Ooh seeing Shirley MacLaine here reminds me... my dad and I watched "Bernie" last night. Jack Black is nominated for a Golden Globe* for his role. It was BANANAS. Weird movie, but definitely effective. And it's based on a true story. Has anyone seen any good movies lately?

The whole way that the story is playing out and being reported is so over-the-top. I keep hearing people compare the new tax law to the French Revolution, and seeing Depardieu pitch what amounts to a very public shit-fit reminds me of caricatures of the French.

No, but the way that people are reacting to it is very stereotypically French. Referring to the French Revolution, complaints about socialism, other French celebrities joining in, Gerard Depardieu himself... you couldn't make this shit up.

This entire controversy/event is the most French thing that has ever happened. All we need are some crusty breads with cheese and we'll be living in a stereotype.

I think the NCAA and NFL need to step in and create bans on recruiting athletes who have been arrested or convicted of violent crimes. That's the only way this kind of shit would stop.

Thank you so much. I've been thinking about volunteering at the humane society for a while, so maybe I should do that now.

Sigh. I'm in a mood today.

Hey everyone! Watching Downton Abbey with my mom. I had a good intwrview for a great job today. eeeeeee!

Here is my guide to telling if you are a genuinely nice guy or a "nice guy": what is your impression of "500 Days of Summer"? If you think Summer was a no-good bitch, you're a "nice guy." If you think Tom was trying to make something happen where it wasn't going to, you're a nice guy.

Heh my sister and I were quietly cracking jokes most of the movie. Like, "if there's one person who can be both a mother and father, it's Hugh Jackman."

She's a lady until you try to take her favorite blanket away.

You have a very valid point.


By "can't afford to," I mean mothers who can't take enough time off work to breastfeed regularly and can't afford the materials to save their milk. It's so easy to forget that not everyone gets paid maternity leave!

Whoa-o here she comes.

Best of luck!

I turned down an internship a few years ago. It would have been a great opportunity, but the man who would have been my boss was so rude to me during the interview that I didn't want to work with him. Not sure if I dodged a bullet or gave up a great opportunity yet.