If G_d didn't want people having anal sex, why did Zie put the prostate back there?
If G_d didn't want people having anal sex, why did Zie put the prostate back there?
They both look great here, but HOLY SHIT Tina is smokin'.
Whine harder. It's not going to get you sex or sympathy.
We were watching the flu episode at a New Year's party, and I made everyone stop everything to hear Chris's "Stop... pooping" line. Worth it.
Congrats to them!
Srsly. That's the problem with being in the middle... it's hard to be vocal about being neutral. I just want everyone to be happy and comfortable with whatever they are capable of doing for their babies. Waaaaaah.
Sigh. I was breastfed, and my mom had no problem with it. Hopefully, I won't have any problems with it either. I'm just not one to kick someone when they're down, and not being able to lactate when you've just had a baby counts as down.
Sigh. I'm just waiting for the time when we reach the middle of the spectrum. Breastfeeding is great, and if you can do it, you should. But if you can't, or can't afford to, or it's painful for you, that's okay too.
Fair enough. I think most are in their 20's-30's. I don't know how long it takes the average person to realize that the whole "nice guy" persona is bullshit. I had Feminism to pull me out of it, though. I don't know if these guys have that kind of support system.
False. If it was Alton, he would be analyzing the molecular breakdown of his farts.
Er... that's the joke of Twelfth Night. That the Duke has a Big Gay Panic but is really just falling for a chick. That's why it's funny. Sigh. These Philistines...
The best explanation of "nice guy" syndrome I ever heard:
It'll happen soon enough. DOMA and Proposition 8 are going before the Supreme Court soon.
I met Boyfriend on OKCupid a little less than a year ago, and we've been great so far. My friends give me shit for meeting someone online, but it's so much easier to find someone who likes you for you and is a good overall match when you're not meeting them at a bar or whatever people do these days.
Knox sounds like me at that age. There are dozens of pictures of my sister and me sleeping in boxes. This is what happens when you're not allowed to have toys with batteries as a kid.
You know what makes me break down sobbing with happiness? When people buy meals at restaurants for soldiers. I'm actually choking up thinking about it.
In my theater, I could literally hear everyone two rows around me crying. It was beautiful.
White Michelle Williams. I didn't realize how much I wanted this until this moment.