Oh hey, this looks interesting. Anyone have a link to the original thread with the responses properly linked to who made them and the ensuing conversations? Also, no slideshows? I refuse to click through this garbage.
Oh hey, this looks interesting. Anyone have a link to the original thread with the responses properly linked to who made them and the ensuing conversations? Also, no slideshows? I refuse to click through this garbage.
Fuck slideshows. Here are the answers:
oh, how little faith you have in their ability to ruin everything.
omg, i didn’t think the question with a 2 or 3 digit answer would actually become a slideshow
I wish the state police would shame the douche-noodle who cut off a dump truck and caused a crazy traffic backup on I-264 a few weeks back. Shaming Maclaren guy is fun and all, but let’s save the big time for the ones who f--- us over during rush hour.
Except that’s a 720S.
Why is this even a question? Of course we should take interest in alternative fuels. Almost every cool car ever made runs on an ICE. You think we should just put those away now that manufacturers are jumping ship for electric crossovers?
Just because the future is most likely EV in terms of mass transport, there will always (hopefully) be gasoline-powered vehicles on this Earth for recreational/historical purposes. We should invest in a fuel that makes them far less impactful than they currently are.
If it wasn’t for the comment section I would have abandoned this website a long time ago.
Jalopnik slideshows are the auto-related technology that annoy me the most.
You made a slideshow out of a bunch of curmudgeon’s comments? If it wasn’t for the comment section I would have abandoned this website a long time ago.
Yeah, they were previously posted here in a readable format:
Can someone post what the slide show says?
I love this story!
Copied from the other article.
How many times do I have to decline the wheel protection coverage? They even tried to use my wife “driving style” against me. “You know she is going to hit the curb.”
I mean, if we are including waiting an hour in line for the finance department once the handshake is made, then yeah, literally everyone who has used a dealership in the last 10 years is gonna have a detainment story.
Because historically a watch has been one of the very few pieces of men’s jewelry immune from questions of his sexual orientation.
Appreciation for engineering/mechanical devices. Both watches and cars have an incredible amount of design, engineering and craftsmanship involved and I have an appreciation for that type of work.
It doesn’t matter.