
i mean, the books do suck—at least, in terms of their literary merits. i can understand why writers would dislike them. but there is a lot to work with, regardless, and i think any writer worth their salt would see the job as an opportunity to improve upon and take advantage of the enormous fantasy world at their

Next Season’s Picard

I’d rather them delay the season to work around Cavill’s schedule instead of recasting. Especially since I imagine Season 4 will largely be an adaptation of Baptism of Fire, which could be reworked to put the focus on Ciri and The Rats, and reduce the Geralt side of the story to smaller bits culminating in the Battle

Funny how the brain sees what it wants to see. I read:

Is Jalopnik no longer a car website? Is this why David and Torch left?

Logistics aside (e.g. getting day-to-day supplies in), why would you think a ban would have made a difference in this context?

Torch and Tracy are gone for less than a week and I’m already seriously considering removing this site from my feed reader :( 

On a CAR centric website?

What the fuck is this? Written by someone who has no concept of reality outside of NYC? On a CAR centric website?

As usual The Root has gone the way of Fox News for clicks and likes. Here is the actual story: The press trying to frame this is David Chapelle killing affordable housing for poor people. It’s not that simple. They offered a plan to get his $65 million investment, then switched up the project presumably to get tax

People willing to beta test their lives is crazy. 

Rich guy buys something, Jalopnik and it’s crowd bitches about it. Nothing changes. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

Gotta love the angry Jalopnik writer who doesn’t have 2 pennies to rub together, mad at some billionaire. Even though he uses Amazon prime on a regular basis to buy his computer accessories to complain about the world online..

I’m sorry, but can Jalopnik please stop shitting on the superyacht business and the people that drives the business forward? I work in the industry myself as an engineer and I can’t fathom the hate and garbage pieces you put out.

Yep. I got put in the grays for asking Bradley exactly where all the extra electricity is supposed to come from and how much pollution is avoided when 60% of our power in the US is generated by fossil fuels. Also, Bradley Brownell is an intellectally weak little whimp. 

I gave up this site after years because the writing has gone so far downhill. Check it out again for the first time in weeks, and I’m treated to an article so meanspirited, so devoid of actual information on shipbuilding or yachts, and just dogging a guy with the laziest of personal attacks, that you got me

As a middle-aged dude with a full head of hair that still looks like it did 20 years ago, I still think it’s a huge dick move to make fun of anyone for losing their hair.

Being bald/balding is nothing to be ashamed of regardless of gender or status. Don’t be a dick, Andy.