
My Ma is a Campbell and family tradition is that we were direct descendants of the guys who did this, having fled Scotland for Ireland before eventually moving to Canada and then filtering down to New England where she and my Dad met. When my Ma told me about this when I was little I was shocked by it and thought it

Something, something, tentacle monsters...

Ia! Ia! C’thulhu fhtagn! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh C’thulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”

That’s just Cthulhu, coming up to run.

No. The correct answer was Cthulhu.

Lard makes everything better.

It’s like watching the end report after playing Civilization.


At the racist notary. Look, I don’t make the racism notary rules, I just report on them.

Needs more tentacle rape.

Just like an average day walking around in Harajuku. God, I love Japan.

Man, Tim Lincecum looks like shit.

I enjoyed League not because it was great cinema but because I thought it was goofy fun.

You are not alone. Having no prior knowledge of the source material I thought the movie was fun and pretty cool.

I need to write a movie called “the Team of Super Public-Domain Protagonists!”

I’m sure I will be in the minority here, but I actually enjoyed a lot the LoEG. Shockingly, particularly for the addition of Tom Sawyer! I found the final scene of Quatermain dying while “passing the torch” to Sawyer very moving, and a great metaphor - although in no way subtle - for the substituition of the British

Them’s some nice particles you got there. Be a shame if something were ta smash them.

Well, of course it’s 42. What else would it be?

Don’t panic, you’ll be done is 42 minutes. Did you bring your towel to use as a crash helmet?

How are things in 1994?