
Well, me neither unfortunately. Um ... trying to think but Im not giving out my contact info and wouldnt ask you to share yours. And sharing said link would be another way of sharing mine too ya know? I shouldn’t even ask but ifbyou are on any other platforms, do you have a similar name? Nevermind. I can see for

Not obvious to you. That is very clear. ... smh. Youre really that bright arent ya? 😂🤣😂🤣

So you blame white women for him being in office...Can you please (Im serious and Im a white woman who has never voted Republican, worked for, voted for and met and hugged President Obama. I voted for Gore with my first ever Presidential Election vote and of course a smart, strong Democrat like Hillary over this

Yup ... Im tge psychopath here and I can write my comments as I please, they are just f*cking comments... you seriously need to get the f*ck over yourself and perhaps find a life of your own as opposed to obsessing over what other people are doing & thinking. If your own life is really that sad and pathetic, I truly

Well, you never know online ... it gets lost in translation so forgive me if I am mistaken but thanks for the sarcastic response. 👍 Youre so awesome. 👌

Thank you. 90% of so-called writers out there are exactly that ... they have no training to be journalists and n0o training in ethical behavior. It was not how I was taught in college! Then again I graduate college the year FB came out and then Twitter making everyone believe they are writers. They scary thing is that

I am happy to provide it but as you may (or may not, idk) understand, its a subject that has taken over 6 months to at least stop getting harassed about and bringing it to the forefront again will only set things in motion and continue to make itvimpossible forbme to gind a stable job (I dont consider occasional

Wtf does that even mean? Seriously, Im missing what you are trying to convey!

Actually if you paid attn to what I said bc of the nature of the type of work I did (and still am looking to do in a different area bc a**holes on twitter ruined my reputation with their lies and fake dms & tweets) all employers expect and require twitter/facebook/instagram accounts so yes, I use twitter but I hate it

In this case it was harmless, just funny & embarrassing but not overly so. In most cases things do not work out so well.

Ok, thats actually funny! Finally!

Or not. The more lame and useless it renders it! But from your display name its obv. youre the type that would do something like this. 

More than dozens ..  more like thousands ... trust me on this.

You think making fake accounts or using one of the thousands of websites and apps that can allow anyone to pretend to be anyone else on now ANY social media platforms and even SMS like What’s App is funny? This is overall just embarrassing for the family and relatively harmless but doing this can actually really screw