
That’s a bit excessive.

Clutch replaced yes. Wear on tires and brakes is negligible. Maybe tires depending on how bad they got roasted. But certainly not brakes. He's asking for a lot but they should work with him, they screwed it up. The manager is equally responsible as he hired the techs

I’m not suggesting we guillotine them.

Debatable, absolutely.

I’m starting to think that just “making things right” for the customer when incidences such as this occur is not enough. Because this shit keeps happening.

I can agree on the clutch job and maybe tires but 4 new tires seems a bit much, the dealers view that he punished the wrongdooers sort of ignores the fact that the dealership is liable for their actions. I think the dealership should cut their losses fix the guys car and call it a night

I am completely unsurprised... and very thankful that dashcams didn’t exist 25 years ago when I was working in a service station. And that’s all I’ll say about the techs’ behavior.

Actually, what he’s asking for isn’t all that unreasonable.  I mean, a full set of tires may be a bit punitive.  Maybe just replace the rears and rotate? 

Every time I see something this extravagant and lavish I think about all the poor starving children in the world. And how they might not be starving if they just got off their lazy asses and started working at the factory making leather hand bags for rich people.

They say it’s not the destination that matters. But it turns out, it’s not the journey either.

In retrospect, maybe I could have worked on the ad a little bit. But I really thought this would work: 

Sigh.  My Dodge Journey never makes this list.  I thought that car salesman was full of sh!t when he said I’d still have negative equity even if I had title-in-hand, but maybe he was just being...honest?

Like the Taco. Like Toyota. Still don’t understand the insanity over used Tacos.

Everyone is ragging on this dude, but I kind of feel like he just accidentally fell asleep on a long, boring drive and didn’t die because the car was driving itself.

God damn those photos are stunning. Perfect combination of car, colour and scenery!

Sounds like every American company these days, barring a select few.

Ford Management: “We’ve wildly over estimated earnings and made some very questionable decisions this year resulting in a loss of profit, jobs, and market share. So the workforce will have to pay for our bonuses, greed, and stupidity with their jobs.”

today i learnt its completely impossible to make jokes round here without someone taking it seriously

This is what’s known as a “rotary car dumper,”

and that coal miners... is why you no have jobs