
seriously, I hear about how bad Socialists are all the time from the right side of the spectrum. Yet when dear leader is interfering with how a private business decides how to use its capital and resources as it seems fit, that is Capitalism. Its lunch time, I am to stupid to figure this out, just going to go eat my

The Republican Party: Now with zero actual Christian values!

The Republican Party: Now raising taxes!

His supporters will find a way to love this.

They’ve never been about small government, just against government they don’t like. What’s more big government than telling someone they can’t have an abortion? Or the drumbeat for war?

Thank you. I’ve been trying to explain this to the Trumpers I know. I can only imagine how their eyes pinwheel when I quote George Will: “Protectionism is socialism for the well-connected”. Stop trying to pick winners and losers, Don. 

the GOP is NEVER about small govt, that is merely a scam. Its about socialism for the rich and eff everyone else. The last time a GOP member actually put his money where his mouth is re: small govt and fiscal conservatism is bush 43 when he raised taxes. He was immediately a pariah and lot reelection.

Amazing how the republican party, which was always about small government, now wants to impose all these tariffs to influence the free market. The goal of a publicly traded company is to do what’s best for the shareholders. The company is preparing to survive another downturn so they don’t go through another

Your way off course. The obvious action to take to increase car sales is another tax cut for corporate America. Once that trickles down to the folks making minimum wage, GM won’t be able to build cars fast enough!

Reimbursement for Rustbuckets? 


In 2019, you can buy, new:

My thought is that finally Jeep is making a family overland vehicle. I would love a diesel one, put a shell and roof-top tent on it and take it out on extended off-roading trips.

I’m going to be in the market for one of these in the second MY of the diesel production. My car should be approaching purge by then, and frankly, the 5(?) foot bed is perfect and resolves my complaints about the Wrangler rear space (I have two kids, need space for shit, do a bunch of house projects).

It’s growing on me. Like an ugly but lovable fungus.

I like the exterior, but that interior is hands down a home run. It looks incredible! Sure, there’s still a protruding screen, but that is the only demerit I see and if I’m being real honest doesn’t even matter to me since I like the ergonomics of having the display up high.

I like the way you think.

It’s like if Land Rover made a Ford Flex and used a Renault logo, for some reason.

I dig it. 

Oh okay.