
@batman3ds: If anyone does this, then:

First one to put this on an iPhone 4 gets my undying love and admiration!

More like :P

@trevisol: Oh no, you're getting out the handcuffs! Looks like I've been . . . captured.

@Tudza White: More like "You feelin' lucky punk?", but that works too.

"We're all for knowing your rights, but please, photographers, don't take this as an invitation to pull cheesy one-liners on police officers."

@Bertone77: Me too. Seriously, why does that car have to be like that? Maybe I don't want to wear pants! You ever think of that? Huh? Did you?

aaaaaaannnnnnnddddd dayyyzzzzss offf aulddkladkalaks ejriesljfe vmek 3lr434jl3534kl393920

Just had to restart it for the second time... it was an hour before I had to restart it first, another hour after that I had to restart it again.

Has anyone been able to run iOS4 on an iPad (jailbroken or on a 'stock' iPad, doesn't matter) ?

It's not done yet, and I started over a half hour ago.

@ghost25: *Screen goes black*

I'm not sure that I want a Droid X anymore.


This would be an awesome concept to put to a NORAD computer.