IDesigner is the realfake Tanner Foust

How hard is it for you people to get that this is just a fun concept?

Did you miss the part where this is a concept just for fun?

If you buy one I will fly to Michigan to help you work on it. I love them as well.


No fucking way. I love ZJs. I want this sooo bad.

So you’re the guy with the eyesore in front of your house!

It’s called economy of scale. Las Vegas gets 40million+ visitors each year. If each one spent an average of $1 more on hotel taxes that’s $40million+ in additional revenue. I can guarantee you that no one is going broke or cutting back their spending over $1.

That’s actually... very true.

I bet $100 that 95% of the people on here saying they’d like an eyesore like in their neighborhood rent, not own. The other 5% are the ones with the eyesore in front of their house.

Good old University of Wisconsin-Stout! I actually was a pretty mediocre designer but I was great at model making. However, it’s a lot cheaper to “pay” a 3D printer than it is to pay a designer to whittle a piece of foam, so I’ve never actually used my degree professionally. Picked up lots of useful skills in general

2014 Volvo S80. Comfy (best seats ever), unassuming, but enough power to scoot if things go bad.

As someone from Minnesota, is it a bad thing that I don’t consider this very rusty?

Funny, Tanner actually looks taller than Adam in that picture.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad :P

I actually went to school for industrial design, so I totally get it. I just think modern cars unfairly get the shaft when it’s been the norm for years. Just check on this 54 Chevy vs a 54 DeSoto. You really need to look for the specifics of the hood and grill to tell the difference, just like any modern car. They

Dang. I really liked the original TGUSA crew. I honestly could care less without them, especially since we have a (basically) all new TGUK cast and the Grand Tour. I don’t need to watch yet another show trying to figure itself out.

Thanks. Good to learn something today.


Really dumb question, but couldn’t an aircraft carrier (sans aircraft) be used for icebreaking?

Like I said, dumb question, but I’m curious as to why it (presumably) wouldn’t work.