With all the screaming, crying and incoherent whining in that room, how did anyone notice the infant that wasn’t the one on stage?
I’m surprised because, for one shining moment, he didn’t have the smallest hands in the room.
That’s back when America was great. Together, we can get this country back to that place.
Back in the old days, that baby would have been taken out on a stretcher, folks.
That’s the exact same thing I thought. Obviously he’s also got the same idiot IQ level that goes along with inbreeding.
I hate it when racist murdering assholes make me agree with them.
They really packed it in! Tiny hands, hideous hair, awful spray tan, Hitler reverence, incompetence, etc etc. Impressive, I like it!
This might be my favored “Filed To:” EVER.
When I first saw this yesterday, I didn’t realize it wasn’t the same girl. I just thought she had her brows slightly different in each picture.
Ugh I feel bad for Britney on this one. It reads as funny/shady but like, how many people do you think she’s taken pics with in her life? How many people are like ‘OMG BRITNEY’ and she’s supposed to remember every single one? I mean, lol because Taylor is mega-famous now but I’m willing to give Britney a pass on not…
Well if she's done maybe she can go and give George a hand finishing The Winds of Winter.
Lovely girl, very beautiful face. No professional hairdressers for the event then, but hey, she had her mom’s pearls!
She could have used a comb, but she was much prettier than all these contestants. She looked like an actual human.
WTF. I felt uncomfortable reading that. Also... only 3 years ago.
He’s a very wealthy white male though, so he’ll hang on quite a bit longer than average I imagine.
Future Ex Mrs. Trumps.