
Because I just watch the Movementarians episode of The Simpsons and it’s California, I wonder if this was some sort of cult - wives and children living in squalor, waiting for their messiah? Probably not, but still could be wives and children of one man.

You think the ratio of teachers/aides to students should be better than 1/4? That’s a true fantasy and, frankly, completely unnecessary. 1/20 would be nice though.

Rural Southern California is scary. And I’m from rural Appalachia so that’s saying something.

“You literally look like Rob paid for you,” says Khloé.

Might have scraped the bumper of her jeep, too. That boy thing must pay!

My mother maintains to this day that my first and middle name could be used as/would make a great stage name.

I’d invite him to choke on a dick but no penis deserves to be subjected to Trump.

I think in part some of the confusion comes from the fact that Trump isn’t claiming that Mexico has agreed to pay for the wall... he’s insisting that, no matter what this sovereign ally to the South says, he, as president of the United States with the backing of the strongest military and an incredibly influential

Trump choked. That’s it, plain and simple.

I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s

Would that be the quick decisive action of calling the cops of the three quick strokes he gave it while cybersexing?

We don’t get the joy of him being named “Weiner”, but hurrah for the column title.

... is it terrible that I think he’s cuter than her actual boyfriend?

first Winona, now Ally Sheedy. Hollywood has rediscovered all my teen 80's crushes

Well hell, the Stanford guy was caught in the act and chased down and he got six months. I really don’t think there’s a situation where it’s “rapey enough” for the authorities.

Oh my god. I’m so sorry.

My rapist admitted it to police the night of, he didn’t call it rape but admitted I couldn’t consent. I went to the hospital that night and documented all my injuries. He admitted to me in a text that he would plead guilty if I ever pressed charges. That wasn't enough for a Hennepin County prosecutor. I wonder if it's

Like Whoopi said “innocent until proven guilty... and it helps that the police barely ever even try to prove anything!”

I continue to be frustrated by the police who insist that a rape wasn’t real before even investigating it.