
Unfortunately, yes I think you can be an accidental mistress. I believe that you loved him. I’m not sure he loves anyone but himself. Making you love him made him feel good and important. He used your attention to build himself up. As far as telling you he loved you and wanted to marry you, he needed to keep you

I'm so sorry. You deserve so much more. That guy is a total pig and obviously a coward. You'll be okay. *hugs

Yeah, Bernie behaved like a toddler toward the end of the primaries - it was clear she was going to clinch the nomination and he refused to acknowledge it, which probably got his supporters even more inflamed and headstrong. Hopefully they can come around until November (not holding my breath though).

Totally with you. I just don’t get it. Remember all the Jez regulars who don’t even post anymore because they got trolled ? It’s really frustrating.

I’m sorry that happened to you. I saw people posting when Hillary got the official nod and it’s something we as women should be just celebrating. And when I saw all the trolling ugliness it just made me so sad. I kind of knew it was coming. And I partly blame Bernie. I’ve followed him for years and really respect

This is going to sound harsh, but I couldn’t think of a nice way to say this.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ve also been the accidental, unintentional “other woman,” and it’s awful. It sounds like he knew you were vulnerable, and he took advantage of that. He knew you’d ignore all of the many red flags that were there in your relationship and that you’d trust him completely. He’s a

I’m trying to be gentle ... but I think you know the explanation. His wife caught him in yet another web of lies, and he’s freaked out about destroying his marriage. Even though he already did. His wife probably banned him from talking with you or texting you. (Please, please, please do not reach out to his wife

I’m right there with you.

Complaint Ahead: I miss having our own political articles on Jez.

“Oooh baby, take me to Ikea!”

If not, he can be in mine.

I read the headline and thought this story would be about a delusional kid who thought he was a fox. brain is a weird and wacky place sometimes.

Like these fuckers didn’t elect George W. Bush - twice!- with that country elf voice of his. All he did was inspire me to want to throw books at him, yet they still made him president. GTFO with this crap.

You can address it, but address it in a way that isn’t sexist. The criticisms launched by Hume and Sullivan both fell into the trap of criticizing her for things that, if they were coming from someone with the bass provided by having an adam’s apple and more testosterone, would have been considered perfectly fine.

True story - Trump’s voice woke my baby from a dead sleep and made him cry. He has yet to have a similar reaction to ANY voice.

Indeed. He spews a YUOOOGE amount of bullshit.

Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.

Short answer: the problem is that voice comes out of a Vagina-American.

so what do they want? some breathless sweet little girl voice?