The car in the second to last photo has SEEN some things. Things it will never forget.
The car in the second to last photo has SEEN some things. Things it will never forget.
The massive single headlights version is the Gaylord after it met a nice Probe.
Basically, he’ll get us back to the status quo without fixing any of the problems that got us here so we can all expect to be back here by the end of the decade.
No, it doesn’t.
As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog
This would be true if there wasn’t a million other extremely attractive females on tik-tok, twitch, twitter and more that didnt catapult into relevance.
Yes yes to all your world view speech, but this was a good article and its obviously MORE than just looks that got her there.
Nooses are like blackface...history makes it unfunny no matter what.
Counterpoint. The people that it matters to already know the difference. To anyone else it’s a useless distinction.
Can we all please! call it by its correct name: COVFEFE-19?
The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.
This sucks. I mean, technically it doesn’t suck, but it’s definitely shitty.
While cruise ships have a small medical center on board most of the time it’s not located near the passenger area. The logistics of maintaining supplies and equipment to the cabin areas onboard would be a bit of a headache. Also the walkways that supply the cabins are typically not big enough to have stretchers/wheelch…
They did already. That was the whole point of the original story.
In all cases cited, the car was bought with the understanding it had the features currently on and available on the car. Removal came post-purchase.
Yeah, the Stanford-Binet IQ Test that groups like Mensa use to select for membership have a really fundamental problem: there’s no clear understanding of what exactly these IQ tests actually measure. It’s literally the “Underpants Gnome Problem”, except in random distribution form. You can test people, and their…
Fuck ‘em.
“yOu’Re GiVinG diEseL a bAd rAp iT’s uNfAiR aNd AlL yOuR fAuLt”
First of all, “rolling coal” isn’t why they got in trouble. This isn’t a thing the vast majority of diesel owners do. This is just a silly thing a small niche of people do because they are obnoxious.
it sounds like you’re taking “rolling coal” to just mean driving a diesel truck? I don’t think that’s what most people, and the author, mean by rolling coal. Specifically, they’re talking modding the truck and dumping stupid fuel-rich ratios to throw up black clouds on roadgoing trucks
See, I would prefer that they have to buy back each and every truck and get it to pass smog at a California Smog Ref.