
The irony here is that GM has had the ability to be the electric car leader for decades now. Ever since the EV1, GM could have pursued the electric car and advanced the technology, their only competition in the late 90's/early 2000's was Toyota for a brief moment.

This platform will underpin new cars from Pontiac AND Saturn!

“None of them accuse me of doing anything, other than maybe they didn’t like a joke I told,” Bloomberg lied probably said.

When my beloved hand me down 20 year old avalon was showing its age, repair cost was getting pretty high, I know it’s cheaper to fix a car than buying a new car, but I felt it’s time to get a new one.

The same reason we have a button that says “Show comments” which then reveals a button right above that which says “Show all comments.”

I think you need to be more clear... are they entitled assholes or are they not? I can’t tell.

The details are that they’re entitled assholes

Entitled asshole car company that makes cars for entitled assholes, acts like an entitled asshole. Details at 11

Does it not surprise you that I also hate big trucks?

Does that technically make the Panamera a massive, turbocharged Christmas tree ornament?

It’s a medical thing.

Specifically Michiganders, who are not much more than petulant children with fully-grown adult bodies.

So lets get this straight here.

There is a scene in Lawrence of Arabia that reminds me Bernie. Omar Sheriff’s character (Sherif Ali) is sitting in the tent of Auda abu Tayi, an Arab who is in the employ of the Ottoman Turks, along with TE Lawrence and a few of Sherif Ali’s compatriots. They are trying to convince Auda to turn on the Ottomans and

And I should mention, I’m not even a JEEP FAN! ;)

If Coca-Cola released a drink called the Fizzy Ubiquitous Carbonated Kola Soda, I would buy several whole cases of it tomorrow.

This new and fascinating concept has captivated me, please list other “brands” for further research.

did a sneaker write this

Just to be clear, Subaru has no FUCKS to give.

Need more like this.