
I’m gonna out up a counterpoint here: this is kinda a categorical case of bad use of data.

I don't know why you're digging in on this. The Grumman LLV is literally called a long life vehicle. They have been in service since the 50s. Sure, there the ship of theseus aspect, but that's my point. No truck will be 100% original for 50-70 years but they want a design and parts platform that they control for the

In short, because they want these to last another 50-70 years as a fleet standard. So the benefits of off the shelf parts from an existing vehicle will very quickly be surpassed by the need to be beholden to antiquated replacement parts from a 3rd party vendor who has other demands. Oshkosh has to provide dedicated

A friend in the industry pointed out that the Ioniq5 might be one of those cars that garners love from automotive journalists, but lacks broad popular appeal — kind of like my compact, manual, all-wheel-drive, canceled-due-to-slow-sales station wagon. I told him I don’t give a shit if it’s a mainstream hit. “Let’s

God, at least get paid for sponcon if you’re gonna shill cigarettes to kids.

Tom, this is kinda asking you to redo work that they are already reusing (I hope with new compensation?) but is the analysis in this article actually still Evergreen in light of the strange distortions in the used car market in 2022?

Holy shit! They bought the old SF Nissan/infinity location. Makes total sense, that garage was far to fancy for my project car when I swung by the parts dept.

Whether or not this is a legit Question, the Mobile Experience has gone decidedly To shit these past couple Years.

Erin, in your research, did you come across how theives sell syphoned or drilled out gas?

I hesitate to wade into your ass being handed to you by COMTNDRVR, but you’re actually wrong. Fear of death has never been a very good deterrent for the state. It’s been a great way to repress and increase misery in authoritarian societies, but it’s pretty piss poor at doing much more than killing and terrorizing margi

I so desperately want to leave the Grey’s in the grey, but this is worth clarifying:

Thought you were going to Malthus. You didn’t, but still a good reminder:

Just to add a card to your calcs, you should still strongly consider getting a plug in because

David, there are certainly some articles of your’s I’ve disagreed with (the admiration for the hoarder who let his cars rot comes to mind) but I’ve never not enjoyed the passion you show for your articles both in subject matter and debth you go to.

Look, I get it’s polarizing, but I love their interiors. I dream of that shift shaft, impractical and ridiculous though it is.

I mean, there’s certainly a selection effect of car enthusiast blog readers who lament not being able to M. I. A. T. A.

I really wish there was an affordable kit like this to add hybrid to classic/modern classic cars. The ones people actually drive and arent just garage queens.

One helpful tip on down shifting may be to remember that clutches are much cheaper than medical bills and surprisingly much more abuseable than the fear folks have of burning them out.

Where T. F. Is Dragonriders of Pern?!?!! 

In every comparison except in styling influence for the next 17 years. But who cares about what most people Actually buy cars for when you can get a sloppy early 00s domestic. At least as a holden it had something special...