Burn your tech waste, maybe a kindle keyboard? Or any kind of nook?
Burn your tech waste, maybe a kindle keyboard? Or any kind of nook?
You Can’t make a sausage mcmuffin with egg without a kraft cheese slice. Period. Real cheese won’t work. It’s just not the same. So, kraft singles play a vital role in the American soul.
It’s like parenting. You can’t always be there for your kids, but you ain’t much of a parent if you don’t try to. Sometimes there are damn good reasons the world isn’t perfect and any decent human being will understand.
We get it, you think you’re special because you drive a stick shift.
Proposed rule of the little fuel filler arrow: Only cars which are appliances have the arrow to tell their operators where to stick the magic go go juice.
amen to that. Soap sticks to soap, I don't need to pay some random company some ridiculous price for some sub-standard cleaning product in order to stick my soap together....
so, if this really is a speedy testing device, then all you have to do to make the numbers work is always run the test 2 or 3 times. If there is a 0.5% chance of a false positive per run, then running it twice would mean you have a 0.25% chance. Run it again and that number drops 0.125%. You have the machine do…
Actually, you hope they implement this so you don't have to carry an empty reusable bottle through security and then fill it up again, right? Gizmodo is green and cares right?
For some reason the wookiepedia link isnt working :( [starwars.wikia.com]
I have wanted one of these that works well since this
Alright, I concede the point for the 911 and variants. But honestly, the 911 is essentially its own category (wrong layout, wrong weight, blah blah, but it just works).
You could have even taken the nerdgasm farther and posted a Mark-X Medical Tricorder
Now, come on Gizmodo. This is the X-Prize. You should have used a picture of the Mark X Tricorder as the front page.
But the point of this article was that they showed us that concept 5 something years before they made it and it was somewhat fresh when it was a CONCEPT. By the time it came out, people knew exactly what to expect so the car looked 5 years old the moment it entered the showroom. It went from concept to dated without…
"there is not enough gap"
Like the original NSX, you are not an exotic if you have fewer than 8 cylinders. Fast, yes. Beautiful, yes. But you need to slap 8 bloody cans into the damn engine bay or you are not an exotic. Period.
Ok, what you mean is that Japanese tuner cherishes his VINTAGE SKYLINE... is that really hard to imagine/worthy of note?
or 3.6 lbs. Like it says in the specs. Maybe that. So, not 4 lbs. Next?
Yay reading :)