It’s preferable.
It’s preferable.
If not a single Black or Brown person voted for Joe Biden, it would still be on White people if they decide to vote Deputy Dipshit back into office. They’ve had four years of reasons why Donald Trump is quite possibly the most garbage president in United States history.
I agree with you. Idk what the hell one Tuesday was supposed to accomplish either. TikTok has been cancelled for anti-Blackness, so we’ll see how that goes.
These social media sites are complete trash, but they’re useful trash. Boycotting at a time when we’re more than likely going to have martial law declared any day now and people are missing meals and being brutalized in the streets wouldn’t hurt them much and would hurt us much more.
The rollout of this idea has been the goofiest shit I’ve seen in a long time. IG was a bastion of on the ground info for the whole past week (just like Twitter), and now it has turned into complete romper room fuckery.
Dear trolls,
I know this more than likely won’t make it out the grays here, but it needs to be said. I’m speaking directly to you, Stephen Tolito.
The one thing that absolutely needs to happen, whether we end up in another civil war or not, is that people need to take stock of how we got here, because it didn’t happen in just the last four years.
Dismiss the fucking troll.
From what I’ve been seeing, it’s anarchists and White supremacists/cops starting fires, breaking into buildings and encouraging rioting. They’re trying to start a second civil war.
They really think this shit is a game until civilians start busting back. Literally all they have to do is arrest and charge the other three cops with murder and most of the protests will stop. They want a fucking second civil war.
We ain’t ever gonna have progress until White people accept what they’ve inherited and tear it down with their own hands. White supremacy is the only glue holding their society together and they’re the only ones who can’t see it.
He tries to troll roughly 80% of my posts and I dismiss him, along with a bunch of others, on sight. Nobody cares about his weird hate boner for Black people.
Let’s keep it real, plenty of White people are mad that Black lives are no longer White property.
Whenever your heart stops receiving oxygen, it usually results in a fucking heart attack.
The saddest part is how many murdered Black people and uprisings didn’t even make this list.
We got our right to vote with our blood, sweat and tears, not by asking nicely. If voting really made that much of a difference, we’d be close to equality by now, but it ain’t the reality of the situation. Voting is great for simple issues where the majority’s feelings aren’t involved. Anything that rocks the boat is…
Don’t choke on your woke or one of the other dummies? I’ve dismissed like 20 of them with their “well, actually” bullshit already.
Search for and apply to jobs in countries that you’d like to live in, you never know.
I went to Canada on a work visa, which was exceptionally easy due to NAFTA. As long as you can satisfy a job requirement that they can’t source locally, you’ll have no problems getting your work visa for the country.