
The whole system was designed to be broken from its inception. The idea that a small group of judges who are not democratically chosen, have lifelong appointments and basically cannot be fired, would produce results that do not benefit the people should be expected. But then again, only land owning White men were


I’m honestly just wondering when the whole country is going to come crashing down at this rate. Between the virus ravaging essential workers, the dumb fucks demanding to be free to catch and spread the virus, the ever expanding food shortages, the encroaching homelessness epidemic, government malfeasance, and a

Wtf is Rose Twitter and wtf are you talking about? 😂

Ah yes. I’m a conservative because I don’t blindly praise Obama for continuing 80% of the same policies that Bush did and did nothing to further Black causes. Cool story bro.

Exactly who is my hero? Explain yourself.

Fuck Barack Obama. I showed up and showed out and voted and marched and Obama didn’t raise a finger to help us until it was politically expedient to do so. Since he’s been out of office, he hasn’t done shit to back up the Black community and we’re supposed to praise his goofy ass every time he vaguely mentions a Black

I still have no clue why White people feel inclined to write a whole ass novel to express why they didn’t give a shit about what Black people have been saying for four centuries until dumb ass got elected. Literally none of this shit is new.

Let’s keep it 100. The only reason that most of the White people “running for Ahmaud” give a fuck about this case is because he was murdered while he was out for a jog. If he was murdered while walking his pitbull puppy or some other shit, White people would have ignored his death just like they did Rekia Boyd’s or

For real. Where the fuck is the FBI when we need them?!? This nasty piece of shit needs to be arrested and have any children in his custody taken from him.

Jason Whitlock looks like a bloated California raisin and had the gall to say that about the GOAT, Serena Williams? Coons sure are delusional.

Fucker Carlson wishes he was Tomatoface lol. That person was at least amusing at times with their trolling.

Bitch, I have the time today.

Black people have effectively become fish in a barrel for a virus like this. We’re more likely to live in urban areas with poorer air quality, work at essential jobs, need to use public transportation to get back and forth, have worse overall health due to food deserts and shitty healthcare providers/services.

I always ask, “division, you mean like slavery, like Jim Crow, like redlining, like segregation?” I’ve yet to get an answer. Conservatives can’t keep their story straight lol. You can’t be “fuck everybody who isn’t a rich White man” and then complain about divisive politics. 

How do I flag that troll with “Dumb Asshole”?

This was a lynching. Plain and simple. The fact that these Klansmen are still walking free, when the local police know who they are and where they are says everything that needs to be said. And another “grand jury” 🙄 The whole “justice” system exists to uphold the White supremacist capitalist order.

White people, White-ing once again.

No one can name French Montana’s solo songs without Google or Wikipedia’s help lol.

I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but 2020 has emotionally exhausted me in a way that I never thought possible. Black people just aren’t allowed to live our lives without White motherfuckers like these two murderers hunting us, and the government sanctions it.