
This was my second car, 1984 4000 quattro 5 speed. My first was my grandmothers fwd 4000s 4 speed auto. The quattro definitely shined with ‘spirited’ driving. As someone who is intimately familiar with the good and the bad, I felt obligated to comment.

I hated that shift knob and boot in the wrangler. Fixed mine.

Manual. You'd be hard pressed to find a skydiver/BASE jumper out there willing to rely on anything 'automatic'.

You can exit in any orientation you like. People tried all the silly things you can think of.

They do offer tandems, and a bunch went off this year who had never made a skydive.. You have a whole year to get ready!

There don't seem to be many (any) skydivers here. They require 20 BASE jumps to ride the catapult and I'm not quite there yet so it was the boring ol' platform for me. I did go to the briefing though, checked out the machine and heard all about the testing they did, flinging each other into a river. I also got to see